Testimonies: Fake it ’til you make it
Okay, I’ve read about this before but it still baffles me. The LDS say you can gain a testimony by … Continue reading Testimonies: Fake it ’til you make it
Thought-provoking commentary on life, politics, religion and social issues.
Okay, I’ve read about this before but it still baffles me. The LDS say you can gain a testimony by … Continue reading Testimonies: Fake it ’til you make it
I saw a preview of a new television show coming this fall called Six Degrees and it deals with the … Continue reading Six Degrees
Is the act of paying a tithe a financial transaction in the traditional sense? i.e. I pay you $ XXX.XX … Continue reading What do you get for tithing?
I know if all you RM’s dig deep down in your journals, you can come up with some good ones. … Continue reading Tales from the mission
It’s been roughly a month since we attended our home ward. Today was our first day back. After the sacrament … Continue reading Fast and Thankimony Meeting
What are your thoughts on Canada being hit by one of our own “9/11″‘s? Do you think we are a … Continue reading 9/11
I just finished watching a Canadian made movie based on the true life og J.J. Harper, an Aboriginal Native who … Continue reading Cowboys and Indians
For those in the Bloggernacle who maintain lists of group blogs on their own blogs, this is a reminder that … Continue reading We’re a group blog, too.
So when someone tells you,”You are wrong. Go pray about it.” does this not come off as extremely arrogant and … Continue reading You are wrong. Go pray about it.
Em dashes?¢‚Ǩ‚Äùthose honking big dashes people use to introduce a break in thought?¢‚Ǩ‚Äùare not preceded or followed by spaces. Nor … Continue reading Using em dashes