Canada’s excellent environmental track record

Canada’s excellent environmental track record

Canada has long been the environmental gold standard of Western developed nations, with several of its cities featured among the cleanest on the globe. However, some recent criticism has questioned this long-standing belief, criticizing some of Canada’s industrial practices and ranking them significantly below other Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations. Continue reading “Canada’s excellent environmental track record”

Climate change’s increased impact on women

Climate change’s increased impact on women

This guest post is written by Kate Harveston, a writer and political activist from Pennsylvania. She blogs about culture and politics, and the various ways that those elements act upon each other. For more of her work, you can follow her on Twitter or subscribe to her blog, Only Slightly Biased.

Climate change is something that affects everyone, but as with many things in this world, it actually doesn’t affect everyone equally. New evidence has suggested that the changing climate can have unique adverse effects on women specifically. Continue reading “Climate change’s increased impact on women”