I have been asked to teach the elders quorum lesson next Sunday on lesson 37 (Family Responsibilities) from the Gospel Principles manual. I decided I want to focus on the responsibilities specific to the elders as husbands and fathers. Also, I prefer teaching from the scriptures, but use the manual as a guide to finding scriptures.
Here are the scriptures I have come up with so far:
- 3 Ne 18:21
- Col 3:21
- 1 Ne 1:1; Mosiah 1:2
- 2 Ne 25:26
- Mosiah 4:14–15
- Eccl 9:9
- Gen 2:24
- D&C 42:22
- 1 Ne 5:6
- Col 3:19
- Eph 5:25
- 1 Cor 7:3
Can anyone think of any other scriptures that outline the responsibilities men have to their wives and children?
Jacob 3:5,7
Here the Nephite men are told that the “unrighteous” Lamanites were actually more righteous than them because they actually treated their wives and children well. It a scripture that puts healthy, loving family relationships as a priority over other commandments, and shows that people oustide of our faith who are good parents and good spouses will find the Lord to be very “merciful.”
While this scripture might be depressing for those who have been divorced or have wives who are critical and unhappy no matter what, it is a good scripture for men who are more concerned with their righteousness in other ways (choosing to obey other commandments but failing to expend time and effort that his wife or children need from him).
D&C 93:40–50
Thanks for both of those. Hopefully, others chime in, too.