Comments on: My son is gay Thought-provoking commentary on life, politics, religion and social issues. Thu, 11 Nov 2010 00:14:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Thu, 11 Nov 2010 00:14:26 +0000 The boy is 5 years old. According to my understanding Satan can not tempt those under 8. So what is the origin of this young boys inclinations? Who did sin, this boy or his parents. The answer is neither.

There is no sin in having feelings of same gender attraction.

In my opinion this mother needs wisdom of Solomon and the love to stay close to her son and keep the communication open. It seems she is on this track.

I don’t think anyone should have a problem with the mother or the boy. Same gender attraction can fall on anyone, just like rain.

There is always hope for anyone.

By: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 01:26:54 +0000 t matter … but that’s HIS to share, when he’s old enough to make a reasoned choice. Grr.]]> This is so fraught with complexity that I can barely form a coherent opinion. But one opinion does float immediately to the top: what the !@#$% was that woman thinking, outting her son to the entire internet? Gay, straight, doesn’t matter … but that’s HIS to share, when he’s old enough to make a reasoned choice.

