Comments on: No one should die because they cannot afford health care Thought-provoking commentary on life, politics, religion and social issues. Thu, 17 Sep 2009 06:45:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anie Thu, 17 Sep 2009 06:45:57 +0000 “No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick.” Yes, I agree with it in broad sense.

By: TStevens Wed, 09 Sep 2009 13:47:17 +0000 Then yes.

By: Kim Siever Wed, 09 Sep 2009 03:48:37 +0000 t make a claim.</p> ]]>

are you suggesting that anyone who may die that also cannot afford healthcare should live?

I am not suggesting anything. I asked a question; I didn’t make a claim.

By: TStevens Wed, 09 Sep 2009 02:20:32 +0000 The statement is made in absolute terms, so conversely are you suggesting that anyone who may die that also cannot afford healthcare should live? I would feel comfortable with maybe 99%, but would be wary of a blanket statement that says all. I have a hard time with such broad stances, but that may be more of a weakness in my character.

I am sure you want examples but I can’t think of one on the top of my head right now that doesn’t seem flippant (like a pedophillic serial killer dying of cancer prior to committing their crimes). But another sad fact of life I have come to accept is just because I am not smart enough to think of it doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t exist.

By: Kim Siever Tue, 08 Sep 2009 19:45:06 +0000 TStevens,

Are you suggesting there are some circumstances in which persons should die because they cannot afford health care?

By: TStevens Tue, 08 Sep 2009 19:32:05 +0000 That statement is too broad for me to agree with.

By: Bruce Johns Mon, 07 Sep 2009 23:08:31 +0000 Well, no. I make around $9.00 and she stays home raising our 4-yr-ol gdaughter. She brings in a little from ebay-related stuff.
Anyway, my point is that there are many that are dying because they can’t afford health care. There are cancers that are ignored, prescriptions that are never picked up, toothaches treated with 10-12 ibuprofen per day, etc. that are never discussed in the media.
I don’t pretend to have the answer nor do I claim that more fortunate folks should pay for others’ care….I’m just saying that it’s really misrepresented in the media.

By: Stephen M (Ethesis) Mon, 07 Sep 2009 05:03:18 +0000 we make less than $20,000 between us. At 10k a year each, that is $5.00 an hour. You are working sub-minimum wage jobs?

By: Bruce Johns Mon, 07 Sep 2009 01:06:52 +0000 I’ve never chipped in here but I’ll throw one in the mix.
I’m 53 and have not had any insurance for 25 years. My wife had insurance at her job but it was $1000 deductible per year…we can’t afford that when we make less than $20,000 between us. We may as well not have insurance as to have that kind of deductible.
I know that there are things you should get checked out when you get over 40…I’m experiencing some rather severe symptoms that I won’t get into, but I simply can’t afford it…so….eventually….these issues may indeed prove to be fatal as I have let them go for so many years.
My story is repeated everyday among the working poor in our nation but the media won’t touch it.

By: Data talks BS walks Sun, 06 Sep 2009 11:52:16 +0000 djinn- Reference, please?

My sources show it as Chronic Lower Resperitory Disease. (National Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 50, No. 15, September 16, 2002.) And has been for some time. (

Perhaps you’re convoluting the unwillingness of those in that age group to seek medical attention with inability to receive health care. Or perhaps you’re just willing to believe anything you’re told that sounds like it supports your views. “SHOW ME THE DATA!!”
