Comments on: You don’t know John is in the New Testament? Thought-provoking commentary on life, politics, religion and social issues. Sun, 09 Oct 2011 21:21:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Siever Sat, 28 Mar 2009 14:19:27 +0000 re:35 yes, this is essentially what Kim does. NO way all the stuff can be covered anyway.

By: TStevens Fri, 27 Mar 2009 14:20:37 +0000 I always just taught what I found interesting in the material. I figured when I was gone somebody else would teach what interested them and so on. Now that might bore a few people, but over the course of a lifetime we should be exposed to most angles of the gospel.

By: Anonymous Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:46:54 +0000 Teach the doctrine plain and simple and everyone will benefit. Read section 50 of the Doctrine and Covenants for some help. True doctrine understood changes behavior.

By: Kim Siever Wed, 25 Mar 2009 23:57:42 +0000

why do you only have 3 more lessons?

I have no idea how many lessons I have left? I do, however, have three Sundays until my next lesson.

At times those that are very quick on the draw have it already, have read the quote out loud and the instructor has moved along and I am just at that scripture. It is frustrating to say the least.

Sounds like you might benefit from becoming more familiar with the placement of the books in relation to each other as part of your scripture study.

Having sat (and still sitting in) many years of Sunday School classes I know for a fact that you can never get to the end of the lesson especially if the instructor is a really good one and has the class in full participation.

Which is why I never try to cover all the material.

By: Sally Wed, 25 Mar 2009 23:40:55 +0000 First of all Kim why do you only have 3 more lessons? Did I miss something? Having sat (and still sitting in) many years of Sunday School classes I know for a fact that you can never get to the end of the lesson especially if the instructor is a really good one and has the class in full participation. Thee is just too much material to cover. I know I like to follow along when each scripture is being read. It would be nice if the class was comprised with starting with one scripture and following in order down the path but it generally goes all over the place. Most people know at least if a book is in OT or NT or D&C or BoM etc but it is much quicker if the instructor can just say “if you go to page XXX then everyone is on the same page at the same time and everything flows smoothly. At times those that are very quick on the draw have it already, have read the quote out loud and the instructor has moved along and I am just at that scripture. It is frustrating to say the least.

By: TStevens Wed, 25 Mar 2009 19:13:56 +0000 t want highlighted, so I will do the same for others.</p> <p>But if that is to passive for your taste, you can, Third, do what I did in the 12/13 year old class I taught for years. “Hey Brother/Sister ### (kids always seemed to love being called Bro/Sis), you aren’t in primary anymore. If you want I can go and talk with (Primary Pres.) and ask her to take you back – she owes me a favor.” Granted I always used this when they acted out in class, but it might work for adults learning the order of the scriptures too.</p> ]]> First, Terry Warner is awesome! (Arbinger Institute)

Second, when I taught GD I always just gave out the chapter we were in and a page number, usually saying “for you nonscriptorians John is in the New Testament, page ###.” Give them the basic information and get on to the meat of the lesson. I would do this for any reference from DC 65 is in the DC to something more obscure. My theory is there are plenty of gaps in my scriptural knowledge that I wouldn’t want highlighted, so I will do the same for others.

But if that is to passive for your taste, you can, Third, do what I did in the 12/13 year old class I taught for years. “Hey Brother/Sister ### (kids always seemed to love being called Bro/Sis), you aren’t in primary anymore. If you want I can go and talk with (Primary Pres.) and ask her to take you back – she owes me a favor.” Granted I always used this when they acted out in class, but it might work for adults learning the order of the scriptures too.

By: Mary Siever Wed, 25 Mar 2009 16:22:04 +0000 Yes, well mostly online and have taken one course with them, They do some great work on solving conflict and seeing people ‘out of the box” (our preconceived ideas etc).

By: Martin Wed, 25 Mar 2009 13:03:14 +0000 I read you thoughts carefully, very carefully. I’ll probably not be attending CD in the future.

By: HeidiAnn Wed, 25 Mar 2009 03:28:08 +0000 I read on the back jacket of the book that he was associated with them, but I didn’t recognize the name. My husband, who is getting his Master’s in counseling, said he had heard of them before from one of his professors. I got distracted by the kids and so I didn’t ask him much about it. Are you familiar with them?

By: Mary Siever Tue, 24 Mar 2009 23:46:27 +0000 HeidiAnn

I love both of those books. It helped me too. Have you heard of the Arbinger Institute? James Ferrell is associated with them.
