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When we first moved to Calgary, it was a little overwhelming.?Ǭ† At first, as a family, we didn’t know how we were going to adapt to living in a bigger city.?Ǭ† Everything was so fast paced.?Ǭ† My wife and kids didn’t know anybody in our neighborhood.?Ǭ† It felt like quite the adventure.

?Ǭ†The Semi-trailer backed up to the front of our house and the moving company employees deployed the ramp.?Ǭ† Boxes started to move into the house.?Ǭ† My wife and I started directing the movers where to put what.?Ǭ† The kids were excited, running around in the back yard.?Ǭ†?Ǭ†

?Ǭ†That’s when we first met Kim, our next door neighbor.?Ǭ† She, and her two small girls came out the front door and cheerfully introduced themselves.?Ǭ† They were the only people in our cul-de-sac who did so.?Ǭ† What a wonderful family Kim has.?Ǭ† We met her husband Steve when he got home from work that evening.?Ǭ† They are two of the most friendly people we had ever met.?Ǭ† Always helpful.?Ǭ† Always a hello or goodbye.?Ǭ† You couldn’t ask for better neighbors.?Ǭ† They helped make our transition to Calgary a smoother one.

?Ǭ†Over the last few years, we have grown our frienship with Kim and Steve and their girls.?Ǭ† My daughter would often babysit for them if they needed a night together at the movies or dinner.?Ǭ† Our children would play together.?Ǭ† It was nice to have good friends nearby.

This evening, Steve knocked on our door and brought us some bad news.?Ǭ† He and Kim?Ǭ†were in a car accident this morning.?Ǭ† Kim passed away.?Ǭ†?Ǭ†?Ǭ†Its difficult to think that she is gone.?Ǭ† It’s one of those things that just hits you out of nowhere, unexpected.?Ǭ† My heart breaks when I think of those wonderful girls of hers who will have to grow up without their mother.?Ǭ† I can’t imagine what Steve must be going through.?Ǭ† I wish there was something I could do to make it better, but it’s just one of those hard lessons life teaches us.?Ǭ† She leaves behind two wonderful children, a good husband, a loving extended family and friends, and some very sad neighbors.?Ǭ† Thanks for making Calgary so friendly Kim.?Ǭ† We love you and will never forget you.

I know the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches about the afterlife, the resurrection, and that family ties extend beyond this earth life.?Ǭ† Somehow, that doesn’t offer me any comfort or relief from the cold hard reality Steve brought to our family tonight.

4 thoughts on “Unexpected

  1. JM

    Oh how sad :( I am so sorry for Steve and his families loss, and yours. Kim really does sound like a wonderful person. I hope they find some peace and comfort.


  2. How aweful. Isn’t it wonderful that we can mourn with those who mourn? Yes, we know that it will work out for those who love the Lord, but it sometimes doesn’t make it any easier during the trials we face. We can be together in the eternities, but eternity is an eternity away.

    If you are able to, reach out to your friend in tangible ways. Mow the lawn or shovel the walk without being asked. Let him and his children talk about Kim without censure. They will need to talk and know someone is there for them for a long time.

    Our Western culture seems to think that we should be done with grieving within about six weeks. It isn’t true. You never really stop grieving. Life experiences just overlay the grief and make it easier to bear.

    I am so sorry over her death.

  3. So sorry to hear. We also recently experienced a loss. I was 25 weeks along in a pregnancy and wasn’t feeling movement. We went to the hospital to be reassured only to find out there was no heartbeat and our baby had died. I know what you say when you say despite the knowledge of the gospel there is still hurt. There are still tears and of course your friend will be terribly missed by many, clearly including yourselves. My heart goes out to you. I wish I could come and hug you.

  4. I know it is not easy to lose a friend. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for Steve to go through the rest of his life without his wife. It is wonderful though, that we can find comfort in the gospel.

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