Comments on: Staying away because of others. Thought-provoking commentary on life, politics, religion and social issues. Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:55:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: George Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:55:49 +0000 I was thinking about the story of the 99 and how the sheppard went and found the lost one. Imagine how great it would be if all leaders would be as concered as the Saviour would be.

By: JM Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:14:17 +0000 When I read George’s statement, I can identify with it. There are times when I see things the same way.

I can’t say that I stay there though. I think that perspective is just that, a perspective. A way of looking at the situation. When I look back at some difficult times I’ve had with how things are run, I have basically three perspectives. The first is as I am just beginning down the road. The second is as I’m going through the experience. The last is how things look after I’ve been through them.

I think George’s perspective he describes above is along the lines of my third perspective. After being through some of these trying times, it really feels that way to me. I see everything through that lense and sure enough, I can pick out all the imperfections, including mine.

It usually takes me a couple of weeks to settle down, and when I do, I can see the degrees in the situations.

There are those leaders who are completely apathetic to those whom they serve, hungry for power.

There are those who are really trying to do a good job, but because of ingorance or lazyness, they don’t know how to do things the right way. They end up being program oriented as well because it’s what they have seen and they just follow what they do know.

There are a few who are trying to do things the right way.

I confess that I see the situation as the blanket statement more often than not. But in all honesty, they make it easy to do so.

By: Mary Siever Mon, 15 Jan 2007 21:19:29 +0000 George

Yes, it’s a blanket statement and it does not make it true across the board. I think you need a little more diverse experience.

By: George Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:21:13 +0000 s to force everyone to heaven (was that Satan's plan?). Local Leaders without the Light of Christ in them is a major problem and they need to be released and men with the Spirit of God (without regard to wealth, education or family background) need to be called. Men who love others and try to be like Jesus. People are more important then programs but not with LDS leaders. That may have been a blanket statement but it is still a true statement.]]> I believe the leadership of the church needs to look at themselves and admit they are the single biggest reason members go inactive or leave the church all together. If they would simply quit trying to be royalty and start being humble servants of God and start treating people as Christ would, then the buildings would be over flowing with people on Sundays.

Just as you cannot force a horse to drink water from a well you cannot force people to have no self will and follow your every command unless you are a cult like Jim Jones.

Give a man a little authority and he forgets about Jesus and try’s to force everyone to heaven (was that Satan’s plan?).

Local Leaders without the Light of Christ in them is a major problem and they need to be released and men with the Spirit of God (without regard to wealth, education or family background) need to be called. Men who love others and try to be like Jesus.

People are more important then programs but not with LDS leaders.

That may have been a blanket statement but it is still a true statement.

By: Mary Siever Thu, 11 Jan 2007 02:49:22 +0000 Dar

I agree with much of what you said. What sets the LDS Church apart from other religions, though, isn’t that it is better than any other religion (it’s not), or that the members are better (they most certainly are not) but that the keys for the ordinances necessary for eternal progression and exaltation are in this Church. It jsut gives the members and those who have made the covenants and who hold the keys, hold more responsibility.

One of the hardest things for me has been moving here to Southern Alberta and seeing the divisions based on family (how many people seem to have and who are all members of the church for however many generations back) and financial status. But, as my husband reminds me, see it and leave it. That’s what I do. Or at least try to do. It looks like you do the same with your issues with members or traditions.

Yes, it is easy to get offended. Sometimes I have as well. But I don’t let it keep me from my testimony either. I know the Gospel is true and that I need to be here. It does come down to faith.

By: Dar Thu, 11 Jan 2007 02:28:34 +0000 I have said it before, and I will say it again.

If it were all about being offended, nobody would go to church. I think that we have all been offended at some point, it is how you react. It is a common misconception for people within the church, especially people in leadership positions, that people who no longer choose to attend church have been offended.

I personally have been offended by many people, but that is not why I choose to be “less active” or “liberated” or whatever you wish to classify me as. I have many issues with the gospel.

My main one is that I don’t agree with any organinized religion. I feel like religion is a personal relationship between the indivdual and God, and no one else. There doesn’t need to be any judgemental individuals inbetween.

I also don’t agree with a religion of different levels, or people aren’t treated as equals. And I know people are already starting to type, but people are treated differently depending on callings, whether you belong to the Temple Club, or whether you come from a part member family, etc. Also, I just don’t believe that a just God would keep families apart in different degrees of Glory. I have always taught my children that they are not better than anyone else, nor is anyone else better than them….

It also is a Religion based on Faith, what happens when you have strong feelings about something NOT being true. Whose faith is stronger, whose testimony is the true testimony?

I think that there is good in all religions. I just can’t believe that the LDS church can be the ONLY true church, because there are alot of good people out there who aren’t members, and believe that their religion is true. Once again whose Faith is right?

I have had many discussions with my Bishop about these very things, and he keeps telling me that I need to be reading my scriptures and praying. I am. I read alot of things. But what if the answers I’m getting aren’t the answers he wants me to be getting??

Sorry that got a wee bit long.

By: JM Wed, 10 Jan 2007 22:26:18 +0000 Some of my thoughts are as follows

– Individuals in leadership positions should be held to a higher standard of conduct. Often though, it is the rank and file that needs to cater to the weaknesses of the leadership. This is backwards to me.

– When I served in leadership positions, I was able to easily find all the information I needed to administer and minister in my stewardship. It was very clear what code of conduct I was to follow. If I can find the necessary information on my own, then other leaders should be able to as well. There should be no excuse for sub-standard leadership.

– I have a difficult time knowing where to draw my rebelious line in the sand. In the past, you would have people like Lehi, John the Baptist, The Savior, and they all were able to see bad leadership and call them on it. Why are we not allowed to do that today?

– The big issue for me is when I am forced to choose between the gospel and a leader who wants to lead off the path. My conscience tells me to do one thing, but my sense of social acceptance tells me to do another.

I guess for me, I’m not offended by what a person may do or not do to me. I’m offended by their disregard for gospel principles. And why would I choose to follow those people when I think they are morally wrong? Why would I choose to attend a ward where this disregard leads to false doctrine and foolish traditions?

Regardless, I have no alternative and no course of appeal. My choice is to follow against my better judgement or to stay away. In reality, I am moving towards somewhere in the middle, maybe it could be classified as “Actively Inactive”.

I know I need to go to church to participate in necessary ordinances like the sacrament. I want to do just enough to be able to baptize my children, give blessings, etc. I have a firm belief in Tithing and know I need to pay that (although the ward seems to have “Misplaced” a few of my donations from last year… I never thought I’d be tested in that way regarding tithing). But beyond that, I feel no need to participate or be involved.

By: George Mon, 08 Jan 2007 19:58:18 +0000 s a distinction that I’ve noticed between the LDS and many other faiths; that being the LDS make it clear that married couples should associate amongst themselves and non-married individuals should associate amongst themselves, in general." I have heard it many times that when a LDS woman goes from being married to being single, their "married friends" quit being their friend. The single women have expressed the thought that the married women started acting like they thought the single woman was going to steal their husbands. Is it possible for LDS to be friends without the Bishop calling you to be someones friend (HT OR VT).]]> rick said: “It’s a distinction that I’ve noticed between the LDS and many other faiths; that being the LDS make it clear that married couples should associate amongst themselves and non-married individuals should associate amongst themselves, in general.”

I have heard it many times that when a LDS woman goes from being married to being single, their “married friends” quit being their friend. The single women have expressed the thought that the married women started acting like they thought the single woman was going to steal their husbands.

Is it possible for LDS to be friends without the Bishop calling you to be someones friend (HT OR VT).

By: Mary Siever Mon, 08 Jan 2007 18:37:56 +0000 hmm, ok. Well, I have single friends and married friends. I found that when having children it became more difficult to associate with single friends because our schedules don’t really coincide. It can be hard for someone who doesn’t have those responsibilities to understand why you can’t stay out until 2 am or you can’t just go somewhere at a moment’s notice. I don’t see this as being more LDS or non LDS. But then I lived in a predominantly NON LDS area for most of my life.

I am a visiting teacher and have visiting teachers. I don’t feel they are specifically “assigned” friends, but are an arm of the charge to help one another. In days gone by we did help one another, it was a given. These days we are more seperate and most people don’t feel comfortable just ringing up their neighbour to help them when they are in need. The visiting and home teaching programmes are good, when you have good HT and VT. And it’s not a bad way to get to know people.

By: rick Mon, 08 Jan 2007 18:00:08 +0000 “Not sure what you mean about not being able to be friends with people?”

He may be talking about the lack of interaction betweeen married people and single people among the LDS.

It’s a distinction that I’ve noticed between the LDS and many other faiths; that being the LDS make it clear that married couples should associate amongst themselves and non-married individuals should associate amongst themselves, in general.

Or maybe he’s talking about the ‘assigned friends’ concept (VTs, HTs, etc.). It seems odd to me as well.
