What do you get for tithing?

Is the act of paying a tithe a financial transaction in the traditional sense?

i.e. I pay you $ XXX.XX and I get YYYYYY


i.e. I have given you YYYYYY, now you owe me $ XXX.XX

I’d like to know what the actual church stance is on this as well as anyone’s personal views on the matter.

Since I’ve never paid tithing, I really have no idea how it is handled and I’m quite curious.

178 thoughts on “What do you get for tithing?

  1. so the only one telling the truth here is called a troll.

    good job Kim

  2. Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewit, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there sahll not be room enough to receive it.

    Also D C 119, revelation given to Joseph Smith. Vs. 4. And after that, those who have thus been tithed shall pay one-tenth of all thei interest annually. and this shall be a standing LAW unto them forever, for my holy priesthood saith the LORD.

    And where did I say Jesus commanded us. The way in which we pay tithing nowadays in money (as opposed to sacrificing livestock and so on), is mainly given to us through revelation from modern day Prophets – which is much of a commandment as anything in the entire bible.

    who said the commandment is from jesus christ.

  3. Whether a person tells the truth or not is irrelevant to whether they are troll. Trolls are labelled trolls because they are trolling. Period.

  4. I didn’t say Jesus Christ directly said that when he was on the Earth**

    Would be a better way tophrase my final sentence there.

  5. Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewit, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there sahll not be room enough to receive it.

    Also D C 119, revelation given to Joseph Smith. Vs. 4. And after that, those who have thus been tithed shall pay one-tenth of all thei interest annually. and this shall be a standing LAW unto them forever, for my holy priesthood saith the LORD.

    And where did I say Jesus commanded us. The way in which we pay tithing nowadays in money (as opposed to sacrificing livestock and so on), is mainly given to us through revelation from modern day Prophets – which is much of a commandment as anything in the entire bible.

    who said the commandment is from jesus christ.

    Malachi is old testament in which i am not under if i am under Christ. and if knew who Mr. smith was and where he came from you would feel like a fool. He’s a liar and a thief. Prove me wrong!

    this place stinks and god will not lead anyone here. its a cult as i said before and is a cursed area. Kim just sent me this email cause he must be bored.

  6. “What cost do you put on eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom? I don’t think that any amount of tithing we pay will buy it…”

    But technically, the act of NOT paying tithing would disqualify one from life in the Celestial Kingdom since no tithing means no recommend, no recommend means no temple, no temple means no Celestial Kingdom for you.

  7. So what’s your point? Pay your tithing, you get the blessings of temples, enabling you to reach the Celestial Kingdom. Don’t pay your tithing – no such thing – that’s my point

  8. Right. Pay up or you don’t get in.
    Pretty straightforward, really.

  9. Not really, because paying your tithing doesnt equate to entrance in the Celestial Kingdom … it is merely the part which enables us to do the work which qualifies us.

  10. And that is different in what way?

    If you DON’T pay (and do some other things) you don’t get in.

    If you have to pay to get into your highest heaven that’s fine by me.

  11. It’s not what you pay, it’s the sacrifice of this. Money is something we need, God doesn’t.

    Refer to comment 9 by Dan. He makes the point very precisely and correctly.

  12. You’re correct, it’s not WHAT you pay it’s THAT you pay.

    Lack of this payment disqualifies you from the highest heaven.

    Don’t get mad at me about it. Your church makes the rules, not me.

  13. No madness at all. In fact, I’m glad somebody for once has some decent thoughts on the matter, with an ounce of intelligence!

    It’s not a rule, it’s a commandment. There’s a difference. And you are right, if you don’t pay without good reason, then you cannot obtain full celestial blessings, as yo cannot enter the temple. However, too many people place too much emphasis on tithing – it is one of many things we have to do, it’s jsut amongst the most difficult for people to do unfortunately.

  14. “Kim just sent me this email cause he must be bored.”

    Don’t flatter yourself, bluesmann. I have never sent you an email.

  15. wow! god is a slot machine? i never knew that .
    i guess i’m wasteing my time here. and after seeing Kim’s back ground i now understand.
    you all claim Jesus but in all reality you really spit in his face. Your lost and the kingdom isn’t within you. Without christ your dead and hell awaits you. Sad!

  16. ldsuk87 said: “It’s not a rule, it’s a commandment. There’s a difference. And you are right, if you don’t pay without good reason, then you cannot obtain full celestial blessings”

    I would be interested in you providing a scripture that says what you just wrote. Use the NT.

    Mormon traditions are often hard to back up using scriptures.

  17. My personal views on tithing: I used to tithe out of a sense of need (it was expected, proper, etc), and I never received Spiritual, financial or revelatory increase. Nor did I see my tithe help anyone in need. Yet, I witnessed the church building get larger, the staff became more, and the leaders were all paid well.

    For the previous 2 years I have tithed out of compassion (seeing a need and filling it, giving directly to a cause and witnessing the good it has done), and I have been rewarded greatly by God. Our combined income has grown from $6000.00 a month to over $11000.00 per month (for the first 3 months of 2007). My Spiritual growth has been immense as God puts new people in my path, and as He urges me to speak the straight truth to others. I have received some awesome revelations in the past 2 years, that I have written down, firmly confirming God’s everlasting pleasure with me.

    So it has been confirmed in my heart that a tithe given out of need is a seed on rocky ground. However, a tithe given of compassion is the seed that falleth on fertile soil. For this ye shall be rewarded – not only here in the temporal, but beyond in the heavenlies!

    John W. Wickstrom

  18. Wasn’t tithing just suppose to be an early form of taxes in biblical times?

    What you now get for tithing is pretty buildings, shopping malls and black cars with security details.

  19. hi, I came across this while I was browsing, and I can’t believe that after 170 posts no one has covered what (in my opinion) is the most immportant reason why we tithe.

    Now I’m only 16, but growing up in the church I have always tithed becuase I know that EVERYTHING I have is the Lords, and the tithe is just saying “Alright God, You are the King of Kings, the wealth of the world is in Your hands, all I have belongs to you and the 10% just represents the other 90% that is Yours too.”

    Dan said;

    “think of it this way, why should the Lord bless you if you don’t keep his commandments”

    The Lord blesses us because He LOVES US. The Bible says that he “lavishes good gifts on His children” and and that He “delights in” giving us good things. It also says that we have “FREELY RECIEVED” (not becuase of anything we have done), and so we sould “FREELY GIVE”.

    This is precicely the reason why I tithe. When I tithe I do it because I love the Lord, and I want to give back to Him a portion of the incredible abundance he has blessed me with. You do it expecting NOTHING at all in return. To do it with any other motivation would be evil and manipulative. Christ dosen’t offer us a life of riches in the material sense, he bids us “Come and die” so that we may gain richness of HEART, and a life that is abunandt because the Son of God now lives THROUGH us, rather than us selfishly living for our own gain.

    “Whoever finds his life will lose it, but whoever looses his life for My sake shall find it.”

    Matthew 10:39

  20. P.S

    Is pretty much everybody here Mormon(LDS)?

    (They are the same thing….right?)

  21. “I know that EVERYTHING I have is the Lords”

    So why not tithe 100%?
    I mean if you really believe what you said.

  22. Wow, quite a lot of comments to read.

    Janessa, I can’t believe that you are only 16, that was very well written and I agree with you.

    Rick@ You can’t be stupid and throw all of the money away. God say’s to also honer all your debts, don’t steal, so you have to pay your bills.

  23. Giving money to God is throwing it away?
    How interesting.
    Why go into debt at all? You can live debt-free.
    Give all of your advance to God. You’ll be swimming in blessing, no?

  24. Rick, please don’t get me wrong, that is not what I meant. I give my tithe and more when it’s available. It is not throwing it away. I just was trying to justify why you can’t give all your money, not just 10% in tithing, if that’s what you meant by 100%.

    I believe that you should live debt free, bad example, sorry. God is first, yes, you will be blessed.

  25. So why not tithe 100%? I mean if you really believe what you said.

    Because He commanded otherwise.

  26. I get the reassurance that the love of money isn’t ever a false idol in my life. If I can’t bear to part with a measly 10% of my GROSS earnings, and do it in good spirit, then I question whether I control the money or the money controls me.

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