Breastfeeding in public

I cam across an article in Babytalk magazine?¢‚Ǩ‚Äùyes, the same one that has much of the United States in an uproar, or so the media would have us believe?¢‚Ǩ‚Äùand i found a couple of items interesting. I thought I’d post them here.

A [USA] survey . . . published in The Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that 57 percent of those polled said that women should not have a right to breastfeed in public.

Only 10 percent of mothers who work full-time [still breastfeed] their baby at 6 months, according to a 2005 CDC report.

The Journal of the American Dietetic Association’s survey found that only 47 percent of [employers] favored longer maternity leaves, and only 43 percent supported giving women a private room to pump in at work.

A mom should breastfeed her baby for at least the first year of life, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.. . . In 2004 . . . about 70 percent of U.S. mothers reported that they had tried breastfeeding, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s up from 55 percent in 1993. . . . At 6 months, only 36 percent were still nursing. At 12 months, the number dips to 17 percent

Oh, and thanks to fMh for posting the link.

124 thoughts on “Breastfeeding in public

  1. I have never heard of the Quiverfull of Arrows group.


    Excellent points. Thank you for sharing. You are right, it is just a part of life!

  2. Mary Siever…thats is what you said “Breastfeeding is not sexual. That is something in your perverted imagination and that of an uneduacted society.”

    Mary Siever…breastfeeding is sexual when you bring it out in public where everyone can see a human being eating off of sexual private parts kind of like what you see in a wh*re house or a stripclub ok!!!. So based on your miseducated, backwards twisted logic Mary…does that mean that if a man pulls out his penis to urinate in public just to showoff, would that make me a pervert because i dont like the sight of that??, i mean after all breastfeeding is a natural bodily function just like urinating-defacating Mary. Just so you know Mary before you call people perverts for not wanting indecent exposure past, its YOU Mary who thinks so pervertedly to have public indecent exposure be legal and to be a social norm. Anytime a anyone exposes there sexual private parts male-female wether it would be breast or a penis…would defenatly make them a real pervert on there behalf since they are going out of there way to expose it where there maybe children or other adults to see this perverted dirty action. See Mary…its time you start taking RESPONSIBILITYS FOR YOUR ACTIONS and stop putting the blame on other people by calling them *perverts” because they dont like the ugly, unsanitary, sexually obscene sight of public breastfeeding. When a women starts crying rape because of stalkers…then i guess they have nothing more but to blame themselves Mary for not covering up there breast since they choose to act like a dirty wh*re about it to expose there breast. You seem really sexist Mary and your logic is very backwards, plus not to mention how you make no bit if sense when you talk Oh lets blame the person for being a pervert and having a perverted mind because he doesnt like the sight of exposed breast being shown while public breastfeeding” that really makes much sense Mary :::eyes roll::. Thats like saying “we should the blame on a group of thugs for stealing that mans expensive Bently for parking it in a crime infested neighborhood with his windows halfway rolled down with the keys on the ignitions” well in a case like that Mary –hypothedically speaking–that man who parked his Expensive Bently in a crime infested neighborhood with his windows halfway rolled along with his keys on the ignition just for those groups of thugs to steal… isnt really so much that we should blame a group of thugs since that man didnt take responsibilitys to park it in a private location with the keys off the ignition to have his windows rolled up. Well same with a women who walks around half naked and then gets stalked by some pervert…she is morely to blame but herself for not taking the responsibilitys to coverup her breast to try and showoff by acting like a sl*t. Public breastfeeding is a perverted action that applys mainly to the mother who is bringing out her sexual private parts openly where everyone can see along with children in the process which would make that mother a p*dophile. Public breastfeeding needs to be illegal in all 50 states if we can get a good strong republican in the whitehouse like Newt Gingrich to make America a more decent civilized country with good moral values

  3. This is what you also said Mary Seiver “Your opinion about women is very alarming. Your lack of respect for women is quite apparent. If you had any respect for them you would not speak of women in such a degrading way.”

    Just so you know Mary…i have no respect for a women who exposes her breast in public ok!!!, when they purposely go out of there way to do such things like that, it automatically shows they are a wh*re and a sl*t on the basis of showing off there sexual private parts. I do have respect for the idealistic conservative breastfeeding women who takes it to a private location like a bathroom, a car, a nursing facility or her house where its not gonna creep the rest of us out. When women choose to expose there breast to public breastfeed…i’m not degrading women Mary just so you know, they are degrading themselves as women and lowering there highclass standards. No self respecting, upscale women with class and manners doesnt public breastfeed ok!!!, i know because i live in a upscale classy, gated community where mostly all breastfeeding mothers have more dignitys to take it to a private location when there at a country club full of upscale citizens and at a upscale restaurant. To show some class and respect for others, you breastfeed where its not gonna be in the way of customers

  4. idsuk87 this is what you said “Breastfeeding is yes natural, and to Sean – for the baby this is necessary – to have sex in public it is not!
    I’m a Brit rather than an American, and I have to admit, we have pretty much the same culture to see a boob and go wow look at that, you don’t see that everyday! But there comes a point when you have to grow up and just accept that breastfeeding is a part of life! So why should we ban it!”

    umm IDSUK87….breastfeeding is not done out of a sexual act as long as its hidden away where its not veiwed to everyone, when you public breastfeed, its no different than two couples going out in public to have sex while a female is latched onto a guys penis where everyone can see. Just the thought of watching a nother human being latched onto someone’s sexual private parts is erotic, its sexually pornographic, its sexually obscene and tends to make others creeped out by this R rated action. What if there are kids around in a restaurant or a store that cant help but see a mothers breast exposed while she is breastfeeding that child in public…children who see that will get some dirty thoughts in there heads and feel uncompfortable kind of like watching an adult film thats not for children to watch. What society really needs to do is wakeup and smell the coffee and stop looking at indecent exposure as a social norm. When a weak minded liberal society condones this dirty, sexual lewd conduct act of public breastfeeding, soon or a later society starts to breakdown to where aventually we lose a civilized moral society. A new generation of people who see this as a social norm begin to become a bunch of ignorant uncivilized savages who dont understand the concept of CLASS, MANNERS, DECENCY AND SHAME. America was brought up on Christian Values when the Pilgrims and Puritans came to settle down here to make America a civilized society with good moral principles. If there were Pilgrims around to see how our society has become with all this public breastfeeding being legal in America and as a social norm, pilgrims and puritans would be rolling around on there graves. We cannot let america go to hell and let this country turn out like Canada, public breastfeeding is allowed by a free liberal society that makes it ok to be rude, impolite and disrespectful of one a nother which is what public breastfeeding is. I have no problems at all with nursing in public but only with the acception of a bottle the sophisticated way. I support public nursing, but not the lactivist kind of nursing in public, lactivist are a poison to this country and make all breastfeeding mothers look bad. I respect breastfeeding mothers in all…but not lactivist who support public breastfeeding in there own screwy way to have this push-it-in-your-face-boobs attitude sort of thing to be arrogant. The true idealistic conservative breastfeeding mother is what i dont have a problem with, its lactivist who are the real trouble makers that make all breastfeeding mothers look discraceful and embarrass themselves by demonstrating in front of Delta holding up signs. Lactivist who wanna try to demonstrate to make trouble for others by making Delta business slow…they deserve a shot of pepper spray in there eyes

  5. Oh my.
    Sean are you off your meds?

    Breastfeeding is not indecent.
    If you don’t like it, look away.

    To equate an exposed breast with a penis is both sensational and a gross over-exaggeration.

    You are precisely the type of right-wing, misogynistic psychopath that keeps me up at night.

    Please, by all means, keep announcing this drivel to the populace at large. It will be much easier to identify and avoid those like you.

    “…and let this country turn out like Canada”

    Only in your wildest dreams would America EVER be half as good as Canada. Then again, I’m slightly partisan; the difference between Sean and myself being that I can recognize that I have biases…oh that and I’m not an ass. (sorry Mary)

  6. Sean you said “Mary Siever…breastfeeding is sexual when you bring it out in public where everyone can see a human being eating off of sexual private parts kind of like what you see in a wh*re house or a stripclub ok!!!”

    Please refer to comment 48, where Mary quite clearly stated “Your ideas, Sean, are not only archaic, but they are uninformed. Since most women do not expose themselves, when nursing their babies, I wonder where your strange ideas come from”

    Women, in the most part, do not expose themselves in public and are not displaying sexual parts of their body. Where as urinating in public would be doing so. It is simply a BABY, continuing with an instintice action to feed of it’s Mother the nutrients they NEED – why should we not allow a baby what they need, just because some immature people can’t accept breastfeeding in public.

    I totally have to agree with Rick, that you are quite clearly off your meds – have a bit of diplomacy and understanding for others needs rather than enforcing your sexual fantasies upon others.

  7. hoo boy, Sean is just a troll.

    Rick, that’s ok, sometimes you have to use strong language to get a point across, I understand. The donkeys have better manners than Sean.

  8. Rick…if you dont think public breastfeeding is indecent, then you are defenatly really brainwashed by this liberal free society in America. Liberals are misleading a bunch of suckers like you Rick and indoctrinating a new generation that public breastfeeding is ok and to be a social norm. So i guess what your implying then Rick that a couple having sex in public while a female is latched onto a males penis in public isnt indecent exposure right?. Rick anytime you see a sexually obscene ugly, pornographic, discraceful sight of a nother human being eating off a womens sexual private parts, then it does become sexually indecent exposure Rick. This is the kind of stuff you would expect to see in a R rated adult film, Rick…for you to sit here and say public breastfeeding isnt indecent exposure, you are defenatly down right twisted. Public breastfeeding is very lowclass, public breastfeeding is very trashy, public breastfeeding is primative, public breastfeeding is sexually obscene and explict. When you bring your dirty, filthy bad habits out in public Rick such as public breastfeeding…it shows your an ignorant, uneducated, lowclass savage who wasnt taught the right way about manners and class. When that flight attendent gave Emily Gillette the boot off of Delta for not covering up with a blanket or to take it to a bathroom…i was so glad because we need more and more flight attendents like that. What Emily Gillette did was very lowclass and trashy to bring her filthy indecent bad habits on the airplane. These idiot liberals who put the blame on the flight attendent for just doing her job…all these liberal sheeps are all a bunch of scumbags. I feel that what the flight attendent did by booting Emily Gillette of the airplane was great, the flight attendent did the right thing and should be rewarded, not be trashed for escorting lowclass, cheap trash like Emily Gillette. The flight attendent was just doing her job like what any normal flight attendent should which is normal to just lookout for the passengers best interest. Who the hell would still breastfeed a child out in public and espcially at two years old…thats down right wacky to me. What it all boiled down to is that it wasnt about wanting to feed the child other wise Emily Gillette would have shown some class and manner to use a blanket to coverup or take it to a bathroom when offered. What it really was about that Emily Gillette was a sl*t and a wh*rebag by just getting 10-15 minutes of fame to try and showoff by acting provocative to make a big scene. Emily Gillette got what she deserved because we dont need that kind of diturbing offensinve garbage in our airplanes to creepout decent flight passengers. Public breastfeeding is down right rude, disrespectful and impolite which many others who see this post shouldnt have to feel ashamed to have a voice to speak there mind against this lewd conduct behaviour. Public breastfeeding on demand mothers will give you 30 different excuses of why they cant find a private location to breastfeed your child when there are so many options to choose or to coverup. These lactivist militant are trouble making public breastfeeding attention wh*res who wanna have this whole push-it-in-your-face-boobs attitude to be all arrogant about it. I feel that if i were president of the United states…for every mother who gets caught with public indecent exposure such as public breastfeeding, should receive a $5000.00 fine for public indecent exposure
  9. this is what you said Idsuk87 “It is simply a BABY, continuing with an instintice action to feed of it’s Mother the nutrients they NEED – why should we not allow a baby what they need, just because some immature people can’t accept breastfeeding in public.” Umm Idsuk87…who is stopping you from giving all your child so-called nutrients they need??nobody is stopping you from breastfeeding your child. How hard is it Idsuk87 to just take it to a exclusive private location where its not gonna be in the way of others to be offended by the grossly, unsanitary sight. Idsuk87…you asked “why should we not allow a baby what they need” that makes no sense Idsuk87. Idsuk87…this isnt really about what the child needs, its about what your really all want for yourselves to try and provoke attention to get 10-15 minutes of fame, thats what its really all about. Why should you not allow a more private exclusive place to breastfeed your child Idsuk87??? never mind asking “oh why should we not allow a child what he needs”. You lactivist have so many excuses of why you cant pick a private place to breastfeed your child an order to get a whole adudience to watch how discraceful you look
  10. The Quiver of Arrows is a group of women who believe in having lots of children and home schooling them. They raise their children to become soliders in God’s Army.

    Their beliefs seem to be very similar to those you seem to have.

  11. Funnily enough I’d find it hard picking a private place to breastfeed my child being the male here.

    Most of the women I know who breastfeed are in fact very discreet and very covered up about it – they don’t want attention, they don’t want fame.

  12. “Defenatly”
    “a nother”
    “it shows your an ignorant”

    Physician heal thyself.

  13. Yes, those beliefs are similar to mine. But I don’t have time for another list. I already run a bunch.

    I would love to have many many children, but it just isn’t going to happen. I am happy with however many I do get. Homeschooling is fun.

  14. This is what you said Idsuk87 “Funnily enough I’d find it hard picking a private place to breastfeed my child being the male here.

    Most of the women I know who breastfeed are in fact very discreet and very covered up about it – they don’t want attention, they don’t want fame.”ummm Idsuck87…i can think of lots of private exlusive locations to breastfeed your child ok!!! such as a bathroom, such as a car, such as a house, a nursing facility, behind a dumpster, behind a bush or behind a building, the list goes on. Idsuk87…your full of excuses just the same way these lactivist are who cant seem to wanna take responsibilitys for there actions. Lactivist can think of so many private locations to breastfeed there babies, but they refuse not to because they have this whole arrogant thing about them to push-it-in-your-face-boobs attitude. Lactivist will give you a nother excuse of why they dont bottlefeed there babies out in public rather then breast or a nother excuse of why they dont use a blanket to cover themselves up while breastfeeding that child. I do support discretion while public breastfeeding, however why dont we use discretion while urinating-defacating in public by using a blanktet to cover ourselves up is thats the case. If these public breastfeeding on demand mothers refuse to coverup…then i would love to have public breastfeeding be illegal in all 50 states just about anywhere for good moral values of America. Wether or not what these liberal lactvist militants wants to say or not…i strongly feel that public breastfeeding constitutes public indecent exposure nudity which is very rude and impolite

  15. Bill said “Sounds to me as if some of you who have written on this thread need to reexam your reasons for being opposed to a woman breast feeding. What I read was that your eyes says breast and your mind says sex and then you feel guilty for having sexual thoughts and you want to blame the woman for your sexual thoughts.”.. kudos to you.. Women who is doing the VERY best for her child at that moment by feeding it shouldn’t be punished by being sent off to hide in the corner to feed her baby.

    Those who are admonsihing women for breast feeding in public need to go to these bathrooms they are suggesting women go to and stick their own heads in the toilet bowls!!! Do now you need help??

    Sean said “Im 100% totally against public breastfeeding because its a filthy habit and its sexually obscene”

    My adivce to you buddy is stay out of the public then and you won’t have such a problem seeing half naked women alluring you with their milk filled breasts with babies attached to them….

    Sean says “Umm Rick…any UPSCALE, WOMEN WITH CLASS, MANNERS, DECENCY AND PROPER EITIQUETTE does not public breastfeed just so you know. Any women who is upscale classy with manners would let her upscale class and manners come before that screaming hungry child anyday if the ladys restroom was in use by a nother female customer or she would take it to her car.”

    I was brought up with class and so was my daughter and 4 daughter in laws. A woman might let her manners come before feeding a child but no mother on earth that is half a mother would do that before taking care of a child. Are you kidding me? Have you just fallen off the turnip truck?

    ANd then you go on about if we don’t want to use the washroom we can go out to our cars. Onviously you are not a parent but a delusional 12 year old trying to act like a mature responsible adult. Cause the way mature adults would act is they would know when a baby is hungry they are hungry right that second not 30 minutes later till you get your groceries paid for or your banking done or driving down the freeways. Not to mention that in the summer time sitting in a car in 100 degree waather is about healthful to a baby as sitting in one when it is 40 below outside. But wait!! According to your illogical comments we still can’t do it that way either cause technically we would still be in the public eye and there you would be again stalking us!!

    Do you walk around with a shirt on at ALL times..? Do you ever take it off to wash your car? Mow your lawn? Play ball with your friends? Ride your bike? Your breasts are shown? If you do go in public with out a shirt why is that all right? I call that mightily hypocritical.

    You know everyone is entitled to their opinion and I have tried to leave this topic alone although I have chewed through a few skin cells…. but you Sean… are a peace of something.I have been out in the public with my daughter and daughter in laws many many times and they have all (and some still are breastfeed/ing) and not once, unless we were alone in one of our homes have I ever seen any of their breasts while they are nursing.

    You need to give up on this topic buddy cause this is one that you will never win.

  16. I have a friend who served a mission in the S. Pacfic and he told me about how hard it was in the beginning because the females there went topless. He said in that country it was considered sexy to see a woman’s inner thigh. After a short time of seeing women’s breast daily, he no longer considered it wrong.

    When he returned to the Sates, he said it was really tough on him to see all these women in swim suits because he saw their thighs.

    Perhaps the men who complain about women breast feeding need to rethink why they feel it is sexual. Perhaps it is really their own thinking and not a woman’s breast, nipple or thigh.

  17. Sally…this is what you said “I was brought up with class and so was my daughter and 4 daughter in laws. A woman might let her manners come before feeding a child but no mother on earth that is half a mother would do that before taking care of a child. Are you kidding me? Have you just fallen off the turnip truck?” Oh yes they would Sally ok!!!, any upscale, well mannered, rich classy women who is inside a country club or a fancy sophisticated that has a screaming hungry child that needs to be breastfed, that mother would let her UPSCALE CLASS AND MANNERS come way before that screaming hungry child who needs to be breastfed if the bathroom was in use by a nother customer to show some CLASS, RESPECT AND HONOR for all the customers in a country club or a sophisticated restaurant. If you say you were broughtup with class Sally, but then turn around and say you would still public breastfeed your hungry screaming baby, then sorry to say but YOU WOULD LOSE YOUR UPSCALE CLASS STATUS. Trust me on this Sally ok…i live in a gated community with upscale white collor workers like Doctors, Lawyers, Airline Pilots, school principles, school board members, Architechs, accountants, CEO’s, Astronouts and real estate agents and not one of them Sally…or there wives have never seen public breastfeed in the upscale classy enviroments i go to such as country clubs and expensive upscale restaurants. I do believe in breastfeeding Sally, i do believe its as natural as urinating-defacating, however some women who have no class are lacking a moral compass to use this as an excuse to be an exhibitionist when done in public. Sally i can think of a lot of options when out shopping or out at a bank when you have a screaming child wanting to be breastfed ok!!!. If your in a store its good to bring a babybottle along to bottlefeed that child the more sophisticated way, secondly you can take that hungry baby to a bathroom in a grocery store or a bank where its not gonna get in the way of others. Sally…even if its a 100 degree weather ok…that baby isnt gonna sufficate if you take that breastfed hungry child to a car because you can roll down the windows…or you can turn on your air conditioner to cool the inside of the car where its gonna make the baby feel compfortable. Sally…you liberals are full of excuses ok!!!, this isnt about a hungry screaming child, this is about compass that you seem to lack and this is really all about YOU just so you can get your 10-15 minutes of fame. I can think of so many private options Sally to breastfeed my child if i were a women if lets say i was in a situation like you said that the baby needs to be breastfed this second and not 30 minutes later till your Grocerys are paid or done with your banking. Actually Sally people like you will give me 30 different excuses of why you dont use breastfeeding a child as a private matter between the mother and child, when i can think of so many private exclusive options –hypothedically speaking–. You also asked this Sally “Do you walk around with a shirt on at ALL times..? Do you ever take it off to wash your car? Mow your lawn? Play ball with your friends? Ride your bike? Your breasts are shown? If you do go in public with out a shirt why is that all right? I call that mightily hypocritical.”

    Ok Sally first off ok!!!, im not saying its classy or all right for a male to walk around shirtless while he is playing basketball, riding his bike or washing his car. But to let me make sense in all this that a male can get away with it morely to walk around shirtless rather than if a female walks around shirtless. A male who is shirtless doesnt hold as much higher class of standards like a female ok!!!, a male doesnt have sexual arousing private parts while walking around shirtless, a male doesnt hold as much respect, dignity and self esteem as a female does. A women should have much respect for herself Sally than to walk around shirtless because women dont have to try hard enough to please someone or to arouse them even if they are fully clothed and showing alot less exposure. Once a women walks around without a shirt…then people automatically lose alot of respect for her which shows she lacks alot of self esteem for herself as a women and gives her that reputation of being a sl*t or a wh*re. Men dont have it made like women Sally, men have to try hard enough to please and arouse women even if they walk around without a shirt, Men arent as respected as women and dont hold as much self esteem as women. Like i said before…i dont condone men to walk around shirtless either, but it doesnt look bad if a man walks around shirtless as much as it does a female.

  18. Sean,

    Given the atrociousness of your grammar, punctuation and spelling, I am doubtful of the validity your claim has that you live in a gated community.

    Even if despite the signs of illiteracy you show you do indeed live in a gated community of educated professionals, it must be the most select group of professionals ever. I work at a university. Specifically, I work in the faculty of management. Several of my female colleagues breastfeed their babies. In public even. My doctor, who is currently on maternity leave, breastfeeds her babies in public. So did my lawyer’s wife. In fact, the wife of a previous accountant friend of ours not only breastfed her babies in public, their babies—shock of all shocks—slept in their bed.

    There is nothing sexual about a breastfeeding child. Similarly, there is nothing sexual about a breastfeed kitten, fawn, piglet or calf. That is the mode of nourishment God designed for these babies. Period. Breasts were designed to feed babies. If anyone find them sexual, it is a creation they have made of them.

    It is absurd to expect a mother to go to a washroom to feed her baby. It is absurd to expect a wailing, hungry baby to wait until his/her mother has made it to the car to eat.

    In addition, wanting to breastfeed a baby is non-partisan. It has nothing to with liberalism and will certainly do nothing to make a republic become more like a constitutional monarchy. I know conservatives who breastfeed, I know liberals who breastfeed, I know communists who breastfeed, I know socialists who breastfeed, I know fascists who breastfeed. None of them do it because their party policies dictate it. They do it because it is natural and is what God designed for feeding babies.

    Finally, class and manners affects breastfeeding in the Western world only in that a woman shows class and manners by being discreet. Not breastfeeding in public because of what others think of you is not a sign of class. It’s a sign of selfishness: putting one’s own standing in the sight of others ahead of the needs of one’s child.

    Normally, I don’t respond to trolls because the easiest way to get rid of them is to ignore them. I could not stand by and keep seeing you spout off illogical nonsense that amounted to nothing more than you running out of feet to fit in your mouth.

  19. Sean, you live in a gated community?


    Are you absolutely sure that a facility with bars on the windows counts as a ‘gated community’?

    Next time you’re in group session you may want to bring up the fact that you’ve been delusional lately.

    Maybe they can adjust your meds accordingly.

  20. Gated communities does not imply wealth. I live in one of the highest income zip codes in one of the 10 largest cities in the US and a gated community means the builder did not have to abide by city regulations when the streets and light poles were installed.

    So if these boys get sexually excited by a woman breast feeding a child, I wonder what they do when they watch those shows about natives in Africa. Those women on TV are not even breast feeding, they just don’t consider breast to be a sexual object like young western males like to do.

    Perhaps they really are Muslim and expect all women to be covered from head to toe.

    Have any women responded that are against breast feeding or is it only young males?

  21. umm Kim Seiver this is what you said “I work at a university. Specifically, I work in the faculty of management. Several of my female colleagues breastfeed their babies. In public even. My doctor, who is currently on maternity leave, breastfeeds her babies in public. So did my lawyer’s wife. In fact, the wife of a previous accountant friend of ours not only breastfed her babies in public, their babies—shock of all shocks—slept in their bed.”
    Your socalled doctor as you say Kim breastfeeds in public, which to me is down right bull**** ok!!!, 99% of upscale well educated white collor women never breastfeed there babies in public, your full of sh*t Kim. That socalled Doctor you know who breastfeeds her babies in public in public is not classy at all Kim and i can recollect that. That socalled doctor you know who is trying to be classy Kim is pretentious and a down right phoney by trying to act classy, but then have the nerve to bring out her filthy bad habits out in public. Kim Seiver…just so you know ok…you cant have it bothways by trying to be classy and then bring out your lowclass trashy behaviour out in public where everyone can see. Thats a down right oxymoron Kim, you cant just say “oh i think i’m gonna play the role of a well respected upscale classy person but then have the nerve to act like a lowclass trash by public breastfeeding”. Kim…you dont get it now do you??, Kim…that would be like me for example walking into a upscale classy country club full of well dressed customers in suits and ties while i’m the only person in there wearing jeans and a tshirt dressed like a Harley Davidson Hells Angels caractor. Kim…your so educated and socalled classy eh!!!why dont you walk into a upscale classy country club and try breastfeeding your babys in front of those type of people and see how they would react to that while they are looking at you, pointing and making jokes with your lowclass trashy behaviour. Those socalled colleauges you talk about who breastfeed in public, arent really upscale classy, trust me Kim there not. These are a bunch of phoney pretentious people trying to be something there not and they just dont get it. Your socalled Colleauges must obviously belong in the LOWCLASS status, because i can rest assure you on this Kim that no decent, well respected women with class and decency who is educated would breastfeed there babies in public. Just to make my point clear to you Kim is that your either upscale classy or your not ok!!!, you cannot play both sides of the fence. Your a socalled Faculty of managment, and if your insinuating that you and your socalled colleauges are socalled upscale classy Kim but then turn around and breastfeed in public..!!, i would have to say that YOUR AND YOUR SOCALLED COLLEAUGES HAVE JUST LOST THERE UPSCALE CLASS STATUS. Upscale class is all about being well mannered and being decent Kim just to let you know, and when you breastfeed in public…you automatically give yourself away as being a sl*t trash and automatically have thrown your upscale classyness right out the window. No one will ever look at you the same Kim once you breastfeed in public. You CANNOT lie to yourself and your SOCALLED maturnatity doctor cannot lie to herself by thinking shes a upscale decent, classy person but then go and do other lowclass trashy bevaiours like breastfeeding in public. Kim…you, your socalled maturnatity doctor and your socalled classy colleauges are all a bunch of phoney fakes and a bunch of pretentious people trying to be something there not by acting upscale classy. When you are a Doctor but then breastfeed in public…you have made your image really look bad and discraceful, plus all the upscale classy people around you look bad. REAL Upscale classy people set a higher standard Kim ok!!! And when they see some indecent inappropriate behaviour in there enviroment like either a expensive classy respected restaurant or a country club, they automatically look down at the nose of that person and shun away from them and no longer look at them the same way they used to because upscale classy people have a reputation and set good high standards for there communitys. Public breastfeeding in a upscale classy restaurant kim!!!, theres something wrong with that picture because those two Kim DO NOT go hand and hand and i’m sorry. You cant have it bothways Kim, your either upscale classy or your not. Kim…your a fake, phoney and a lier, trying to pretend to be classy but then do some of the lowclass behavious that arent acceptable in a upscale community like breastfeeding in public, that like i said already is a oxymoron. Real classy upscale people have more shame, dignity and class then to public breastfeed there babies. An order to be upscale classy Kim, you have to have been taught proper manners and proper etiquette when you are a kid from a good rich proper upbringing by keeping your elbows off the table, asking to be excused from the dinner table and not breastfeeding in public. Breastfeeding in public shows you werent raised the right way from a decent family Kim, more then likely the parents were trash for not educating you of not breastfeeding in public. Having upscale class means having manners
  22. Kim Seiver…being socalled classy as you say you are but then public breastfeed your baby is ruining that reputation and also a discrace and a insult to all upscale classy people. To breastfeed in public makes you a lowclass, ignorant primative savage Kim who wasnt raised the right way. This is what you also said Kim “There is nothing sexual about a breastfeeding child. Similarly, there is nothing sexual about a breastfeed kitten, fawn, piglet or calf. That is the mode of nourishment God designed for these babies. Period. Breasts were designed to feed babies. If anyone find them sexual, it is a creation they have made of them.”

    Kim…oh yes there is something sexual about breastfeeding your child when its out in public ok!!!, boy you are down right ignorant arent you Kim??. Urinating-defacating are natural bodily functions too kim just like breastfeeding, thats like me saying “oh theres nothing sexual about pulling my penis out in public in front of a bunch of innocent children just so i can urinate in a jar out in public”. Kim…we are civilized intelligent human beings than to be doing something down right ignorant and primative like breastfeeding in public. We are human beins Kim, not kittens, not calf or any other uncivilized animal to just breastfeed out in public and not show some shame or decency. Your f**ked logic Kim to put us in the same catogory as kittens, calfs or other uncivilized animals who breastfeed openly is why we will lose a civilized society with no concept of manners, being civilized and classy. Go gave us a brain to understand Kim that there is a certain line you just dont cross when it comes to bringing out your bodily functions out on the opening where everyone can see. Thats what makes us alot different than animals because we as humans have a intellect understanding that we just dont do something that primative where people can see how cheap and lowclass we are. Animals can get away with breastfeeding in public because there animals Kim, there ignorant savages who are less smarter than human beings that dont understand shame and feeling a sense of guilt to breastfeed openly. If a women wants to act like a uncivilized ignorant animal to breastfeed in public, rather than acting like a normal, decent civilized human being, than maybe that animal needs to wear clothes to cover herself up for the sake of decency and embarrasments. For you to compare us to Kittens and other animals Kim…that is down right ignorant, abcurred and down right retarded, you have no class Kim. We are not a bunch of ignorant savages Kim…wheres your class??. Animals can get away with breastfeeding there litter openly because there animals, there ignorant less intelligent than humans and dont get it when it comes to shame, embarrasment and feeling awkward

  23. “That is the mode of nourishment God designed for these babies. Period. Breasts were designed to feed babies. If anyone find them sexual, it is a creation they have made of them.”

    Yeah Kim, and God gave us a penis designed for sexual intercourse and to urinate, so does that mean!!! we should make public sex legal and make it legal to urinate in public??. This Abcurred comment you made Kim “There is nothing sexual about a breastfeeding child.”, thats like saying “oh theres nothing sexual about two couples having sex out in public while a female is latched onto a guys penis”. Kim…it is 100%sexual indecent exposure watching a nother human being eat off of sexual private parts such as breast kind of like you would expect to see in a wh*re house or a stripclub. This kind of dirty, lewd filthy behaviour is is Rrated Kim, especially if there maybe innocent children around to witnesses it and get a dirty mind off of it. Public breastfeeding does become an act of p*dophileness and sexual molestations depending how long you are breastfeeding that child if he or she has reached over the age limit where they can drink from a bottle or a cup. Public breastfeeding is a primative act and continues to be a violation of the babies civil rights. Its an incestuous relationship with mothers leading to a moral decay in our society. Women enjoy an erotic experience that imposes oral gratification on innocent babies after birth. These breastfeeding lactivist militants reprehensible behaviour teaches children illicit sex, subsequenly manifesting addiction to promiscuity

  24. “Sean, you live in a gated community?” yes i do Rick, my neighbors are all Doctors, Lawyers, Airline Pilots, School principles, astronouts and civil engineers and not one of them or there wives do i ever see breastfeeding in the places i go in hang out in like country clubs and upscale restaurant. Breastfeed a baby in a upscale enviroment is defeating the whole purpose of having a image of being classy. It shows that it is a oxymoron, it shows that your a phoney pretentious individual, it shows your a lier and a fake plus its a big mockery and a insult to the upscale classy community to breastfeed in public. Public breastfeeding shows you are a ignorant lowclass savage who belongs in the lowerclass groups of people living in there slummy ghetto neighborhood. To public breastfeed Rick, shows your one cut above a caveman and neananderthalic. We as intelligent civilized human beings have evolved for so many centurys that we just dont go and act like animals to breastfeed in public. Thats just common sense, and common sense should not be ignored and abandoned because of some womens rights bull**** to erode a civilized moral society
  25. Its been proven by a statistics ratio that the numbers of women who public breastfed there infants were all in the lowclass groups and were all blue collor workers. This is going by scientific facts, 99% of upscale upperclass citizens never breastfeed there babies in public
  26. “99% of upscale upperclass citizens never breastfeed there [sic] babies in public”

    I’d like a citation on that study, please. Also please be kind enough to define ‘upperclass’ and ‘upscale’.


    your – a form of the possessive case of ‘you’; used as an attributive adjective

    you’re – contraction of ‘you are’

    Until you understand the difference of the two above terms, please don’t include yourself in the group of ‘We as intelligent civilized human beings’.

  27. Well, we also live in a community surrounded by Lawyers, Doctors,Dentists, School Principal, etc..and we have all Breastfed our children in public. Myself included. However, most of the time people wouldn’t even have known that I was breastfeeding at all.. And I do consider myself to be classy, and everything else that you consider to be someone who wouldn’t. The only thing degrading about breastfeeding, is that people like you (Sean) would expect women, like myself, to go and hide in a bathroom stall, or the car, and feel like I, or my children, (who I felt I was doing the best thing for) would feel like we were below anyone else in the world. There is absolutly nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public. The only thing wrong here is you, Sean, very sick and wrong!!

  28. Sean I am going to not bother replying to your ignorance on this topic anymore as it will only pump you up in your ignorance more but I will say 2 things. I was in NYC a few years ago and had occasion to have lunch on Fifth Avenue in Saks. I also had the occasion to have dinner at Tavern on the Green was is a very high class 5 star restaurant. Both places had women dressed in designer clothes and wearing shoes that probably cost me a year’s salary. And at both places I saw women that had babies that they were breastfed.

    I can’t think of a more classy or upscale place then these 2 and yet here were women doing what you deemed undone.

    The second thing I want to say is one day you will grow up Sean and will meet a woman that you want to get close to and you will make the mistake of spewing off your nonsense. She will knock your head off and that day will be a great day full of rejoicing in the land of womanhood!

    Good luck in the rest of your life Sean… at the rate you are going you certainly are going to need all the help you can get.

  29. Dar…says “Well, we also live in a community surrounded by Lawyers, Doctors,Dentists, School Principal, etc..and we have all Breastfed our children in public. Myself included. However, most of the time people wouldn’t even have known that I was breastfeeding at all.. And I do consider myself to be classy, and everything else that you consider to be someone who wouldn’t. The only thing degrading about breastfeeding, is that people like you (Sean) would expect women, like myself, to go and hide in a bathroom stall, or the car, and feel like I, or my children, (who I felt I was doing the best thing for) would feel like we were below anyone else in the world. There is absolutly nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public. The only thing wrong here is you, Sean, very sick and wrong!! “. Umm Dar….that so-called upscale classy community you lived in with so-called doctors, so-called lawyers etc ect, but then to public breastfeed, i hate to say this Dar, but you have really LOST YOUR UPSCALE CLASS STATUS ok!!!, no upscale classy decent person breastfeeds there babies in public. Dar…your a fake, a phoney prententious classy person, being upscale classy Dar means you have to show manners and politeness of everyone around you ok!!!. By public breastfeeding Dar…it shows you lack manners, politeness and class, so dont sit here and bull**** by calling yourself upscale classy and saying you live in your so-called upscale community because thats a true oxymoron and it goes past the line of staying mainstream. You are far from upscale classy, and plus not to mention you are a big lier and a phoney prententious person trying to be someone your now by acting classy. Do not discrace the whole image of being upscale class Dar ok!!!, because you are TRASH, you are LOWCLASS to bring bad filthy habits in a so-called upscale restaurant (so you say). Public breastfeeding in a upscale community and a country club is an oxmoron, it undermines the whole meaning of class and manners because an order to be classy and well mannered, you have to show politeness and not be rude, and public breastfeeding is not polite and respectful. Just to let you know this Dar…you have already gave upscale classy individuals with your ignorant lowclass behaviour a bad image and a bad reputation. Dar…you try really going into a upscale classy restaurant or country club and breastfeed your babies in one of those places, you will feel out of place, also you would feel unwelcomed and not even fit in with those types of people. To be classy and live in a upscale classy community, everything has to stay mainstream and not go past that high standard. 1. Like for instance not having boat trailors parked in your driver,2. not having a basketball hoop in your driveway, 3. not having your house painted in bright colors such as either pink, blue or bright yellow, 4. not having garage sales, 5 not having tupperware partys, 6. not having your garage door opened no more than 15 minutes and of all things, not public breastfeeding in that neighborhhod. Everything must look the same as they are Dar, everything in a upscale enviroment must stay uniformed and not look a little tacky. Ignorant lowclass savages like you Dar will never get it because your parents didnt teach you the right way about manners, politeness and class, public breastfeeding does not belong in a upscale classy community because it goes beyond mainstream and goes past that standard of being classy upscale. I’m just saying this Dar…breastfeeding belongs hidden in a public bathroom to show some manners and class, it also shows honor and respect for all fellow upscale customers wether its in countryclubs or expensive luxery restaurant. Dar…you cant have it bothways, your either classy or trash, and from what everything you have said in this post pretty much says your lowclass trash and dont belong in the same type of neighborhood i live in. For you to say that you breastfeed openly in public in a upscale classy restaurant is like for example me driving a Volks wagon buggy to a countryclub while everyone in there with class drives Bentlys, BMWs, Caddilacs, Mercede’s and rolls royce. Justs one question Dar because i know you dont live in a upscale community anyways, but wouldnt you look a little odd and out of mainstream if you came into a sophisticated upscale enviroment breastfeeding your child???, i know i would. Dar…you are a discrace to all classy upscale people. Ignorant savages like you dont fit in with that type of crowd, nore would you feel welcomed
  30. This is what you asked Rick “I’d like a citation on that study, please. Also please be kind enough to define ‘upperclass’ and ‘upscale’.”

    1. let me define this right, to be upperclass, you must wear nice expensive 3 peice Armani suits with a fancy Lepel. and for a women, she must dress in a nice business outfit with a nice blouse, a nice matching slacks to match that pinstripe jacket. 2. showing class means not wearing noticeable tattoos or body peircings 3. driving an expensive Bently, driving a Mercedes, driving a Rolls Royce, driving a Lincoln Continental, driving a Limo, driving a Jaguar or a BMW with leather interior seatings. 4. Living in a gated community where all your neighbors are doctors, lawyers, CEOs, school principles, Airline Pilots, School Board members, civil engineers, Arcitechs, real estate agents, scientist, astronouts, developers and city managers. 5. Having class means not painting your house in real bright tacky colors like bright yellow, bright blue, red, peach color or green. Everything must be mainstrean and look the same in a upscale gated neighborhood, all houses must be the same exact color and to all be uniformed, nothing cannot look out of the ordinary. 6. Living in a rich upscale classy gated community means you cannot have basketball hoops in your driveway or in the street. You cannot throw tupperware partys, you cannot open garage sales in that type of neighborhood. Also…living in a upscale community, you cannot have boat trailors park in front of your driveway because that looks just as tacky and a eyesore of breastfeeding in a public countryclub. You cannot mow your own lawn with your own lawn mower in that type of neighborhood, a landscaper should be contacted. You cannot have more than 4 vehicles parked in front of your house. You cannot have Xmas lights outside your house all year round because that looks tacky and an eyesore for that type of neighborhood. You cannot have large exposed attennas installed outside your house such as CB or TV attenna’s. You cannot have your garage door open no more than 15 minutes, garage doors must remain closed at all times in those type of neighborhoods to show class. 7. Having class means you cannot go up to someones door and automatically intruduce yourself to that new neighbor who just moved in like you know them. Showing class and manners means keeping lowkey and keeping to yourself in a upscale neighborhood Showing class and manners in a upscale gated community means not going door to door to make freinds with every neighbor. Showing class in a upscale neighborhood means minding your own business as a sign of respect and dignity. 8. Having class means not having abortions, not having sex outside of marraiges, not having children out of wedlock. Having class and decency means not taking sex education in schools. Having class as a women means she must be less exposed by not showing much cleavage, not exposing her breast out in public, not using foul language, and keeping your elbows off the table. Having class means asking to be excused from the dinner table. keeping your napkin on your lap at the dinner table. Showing class and manners as a women is that she must wear nice expensive dresses and nice expensive skirts with bluses like shes working in a office. 9. As a women who must show class and manners…she must stay mainstream like all classy upscale women by not public breastfeeding anywhere. Public breastfeeding is about the lowest form of blue color trailor trash as you can get. Public breastfeeding and upscale classyness DO NOT GO TOGETHER, they dont match. A upscale classy women who wants to show politeness, manners and respect to her fellow countryclub customers, must take that screaming hungry child in the bathroom to be breastfed where its out of the way. A upscale classy women can also breastfeed her baby in a car if she declines using a bathroom, or a nursing facility while out in public. Only ignorant stupid, uneducated trailor trash with no manners public breastfeeds in restaurants because they dont know anybetter or have a clue about what etiquette, manners and class is. Public breastfeeding shows your true ignorance and makes you no different than a monkey with primative lowclass values. Public breastfeeding goes beyond mainstream upscale classyness, because to keep everything mainstream in a classy way, everything must look the same and up to standards and well uniformed. Having Cavier, fillet minone, drinking expensive wines, experiencing wine tasting, traveling to Europe, or the bahama’s shows you have class. Smoking a fancy cuban cigar and drinking Martinis shows you have class. Having class and manners means not working in blue color jobs like factorys, refinerys, Cal Trans, being homeless,and shopping at the Goodwill. Having class and manners means not working as a construction worker, a road worker, working as a plumber or an apprentice. Having class and manners means owning your own jet, going to church every Sunday. Having class and manners means wearing a suit to the grocery store, wearing a suit and tie in an airplane, wearing a suit and tie to a sporting event and eating escargo

  31. sally this is what you said “I was in NYC a few years ago and had occasion to have lunch on Fifth Avenue in Saks. I also had the occasion to have dinner at Tavern on the Green was is a very high class 5 star restaurant. Both places had women dressed in designer clothes and wearing shoes that probably cost me a year’s salary. And at both places I saw women that had babies that they were breastfed.

    I can’t think of a more classy or upscale place then these 2 and yet here were women doing what you deemed undone.” Umm Sally…do not bull**** me and lie to me ok…public breastfeeding lowclass trailor trashes dont go into those types of places likes Saks Fith avenue ok. Lowclass trailor trash who public breastfeed would feel out of place and unwelcomed going into Saks Fith avenue Sally and you know it as well as i do. Saly…those so-called classy upscale women who you saw wearing desighner clothes and wearing shoes that cost a year, were not at all at the slightes upscale classy ok!!!. These are PRETENTIOUS, LOWCLASS TRASH FAKES trying to be classy and well mannered which they are not. These are PHONEYS Sally trying to be something there not ok!!!. So do not sit here with your abcurred nonsense by telling me you saw some so-called classy women breastfeeding in public because thats a lie and thats bull**** because no real classy women breastfeeds her child in public. Sally…your either upscale classy or your not, you cant be both and have it bothways to say “well i think i’m gonna act as a classy person but then do all the lowclass bad habits”. It doesnt work that way Sally, public breastfeeding in a upscale restaurant sets off a bad image to the upscale classy enviroments and plus gives it a bad reputation of making the place runned down full of trash where all classy people may not wanna go once they find how bad that image is. Public breastfeeding in a upscale restaurant undermines the whole integrity of being classy. Sally to put in blunly,if your insinuating that your classy and upscale but then tell me you saw two women breastfeeding in Saks Fith Avenue, tells me your a LIAR, A PRETENTIOUS PHONEY AND LOWCLASS TRASH. When i see a women public breastfeeding, i call them as i see them which makes them 100% trashy and nothing classy about that filthy dirty behaviour. From what you told me Sally about those two so-called women breastfeeding at Saks…would be like if i went to the Culinary Arts Academy in San Francisco and saw two men dressed as Hells Angels in a jeans and harley tshirt while everyone is mainstream wearing there expensive suits for example. Sally i know who is pretentious or not and i can spot a phoney from a block away who is trying to be classy and fit in. Public breastfeeding mothers do not fit in with the upscale classy customers nore do they feel welcomed, because upscale classy people do not socially accept public breastfeeding as a social norm. Theres a place for that kind of behaviour Sally and thats in the lowclass, welfare blue color range which they socially allow breastfeeding in public in that type of enviroment

  32. Sally….you cannot try and be something your not, your either classy or your not. When you public breastfeed but then have the nerve to call yourself upscale classy shows your only lying to yourself and trying to be something your not. By doing that, it makes you look like a PRETENTIOUS FAKE AND A PHONEY. Class is something your born with Sally and is something you cannot put a price tag on. To be classy also means your well mannered like keeping your elbows off the table, asking to be excused, being polite and respectful, showing consideration. Believe me Sally, public breastfeeding does not show your polite, public breastfeeding shows your not respectable to the customers, public breastfeeding shows your very rude and inconsiderate. So before you comeup with anymore of your lying fake outlandish storys Sally…at least get your facts straight. Because trust me…classy upscale women never in a million years public breastfeed and this is done by scientific statistics in all class groups. Studys at a university shows that the only people who didnt public breastfeed but took it to a private location were the upperclass groups of people. Studys have shown at the University of Yale that the only people who public breastfed there babies without discretion all belonged in the lowerclass group. Statistics study ratios do not lie Sally
  33. Sean, it’s obvious you are the one lacking literacy and class.

    But we don’t need to reiterate the obvious. He is behaving like an idiot (and I don’t say this lightly) so everyone, let’s just leave him to his inane diatribe.

  34. “Studys have shown at the University of Yale that the only people who public breastfed there babies without discretion all belonged in the lowerclass group”

    Citation please.
    Preferrably using less than seven thousand words.

  35. He can’t cite any studies because there aren’t any. They are a product of his fertile imagination (whoops, did I say “fertile”? Surely that is more sexual in nature than breastfeeding!). Actually, with his vitriolic diatribe against breastfeeding mothers it is quite apparent he suffers from unresolved issues in relation to his mother. Anyone who spends so much effort and time berating mothers, especially nursing mothers illustrates a lack of love and bonding in his/her own life.

    Besides that there is no “University of Yale” only Yale University. And the plural of “Study” is “Studies” not “Studys”.

    I could go on and on, but you get the point.

  36. Sean said: “Public breastfeeding is a primative act and continues to be a violation of the babies civil rights. Its an incestuous relationship with mothers leading to a moral decay in our society. Women enjoy an erotic experience that imposes oral gratification on innocent babies after birth. These breastfeeding lactivist militants reprehensible behaviour teaches children illicit sex, subsequenly manifesting addiction to promiscuity”

    Should we take a vote to on who thinks Sean was breastfeed as a baby or not?

    By the, I am married to a lawyer and Sean is not correct in most of his comments.

  37. qouted George said: Sean said: “Public breastfeeding is a primative act and continues to be a violation of the babies civil rights. Its an incestuous relationship with mothers leading to a moral decay in our society. Women enjoy an erotic experience that imposes oral gratification on innocent babies after birth. These breastfeeding lactivist militants reprehensible behaviour teaches children illicit sex, subsequenly manifesting addiction to promiscuity”

    Should we take a vote to on who thinks Sean was breastfeed as a baby or not?

    By the, I am married to a lawyer and Sean is not correct in most of his comments.” George…i was breastfed as a child ok!!!, its just my mom had enough class and manners to breastfed me in a private location like a bathroom or a car while out in public. If your wife is married to a Lawyer George, then she ought to have enough upscale class and decency than to public breastfeed. Statistics shows that the number of white collor workers such as your lawyers and doctors all belonged in the upscale class status range. George…my mom is a lawyer and my dad is a doctor for your information, i go to the countryclubs with them for a night out and i rarely never see a upscale well to do women in a countryclub i go to breastfeed her baby there theres people around. Most of the time the women in there who bring babies along to the countryclub will take there screaming hungry child inside a bathroom to show respect and class to the customers in the countryclub, or take it to her car. Being upscale classy George means being polite to others and showing respect for others, and if you public breastfeed, you are not being polite to others and you are being disrespectful. You support public breasfeeding George?? because if you do, you certainatly do not belong in the same neighborhood i do. Women who wanna public breastfeed should join in with all the lowclass riftraft bumbs because thats the type of lowclass people that accept that as a norm. I highly doubt it George that your wife is a lawyer, because if she was, you would have class too. Classy upscale people never breastfeed there babies in public and thats going by a scientific study. Its usually the ignorant, lowclass trailor trash sl*ts and wh*res who do that attrocious revolting beaviour. Classy women i know who bring there babies in countryclubs who wanna nurse in public, always comes prepared with a babybottle with pumped breastmilk inside of it, rather than using exposed breast.

  38. “Statistics shows that the number of white collor workers such as your lawyers and doctors all belonged in the upscale class status range.”

    Please provide a citation for these statistics.

  39. “i rarely never see a upscale well to do women in a countryclub i go to breastfeed her baby”

    Oh, so you do see women breastfeeding at the country club then? After all, rarely never seeing them is the same as seeing them.

    You know, Sean, one day after you’ve finished puberty and moved away from home you will experience the world and realise that the little experience you’ve had in your tiny neighbourhood is not reflective of the rest of the world.

  40. Sean

    If your parents are in the medical and law fields then you should have more manners and information than you show here. I would also assume you had more education than you exhibit as well. Your spelling is “atrocious” not “attrocious”, “wanna” is not a word; you seem to have problems using proper punctuation, you cannot spell “their” correctly (over and over again). There and their are two different terms entirely. “countryclubs” are two SEPERATE words: “country clubs”. I am surprised your mother would breastfeed you in such an unsanitary location as a washroom. As a doctor, your father should enlighten her on this. I highly doubt your parents have such education; you would think they would teach their son better. There is a saying you might like to take to heart “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are a fool than to open it and prove them right.”

  41. I’m just saying George that if there are lawyers who are trash and public breastfeed…those are the minorities who are in the white collor range who are pretentios phoneys trying to be classy. The numbers of people who are in the white collor working range are mostly upscale classy people and thats a handful. If your wife is really a Lawyer George, you should know that by now, because class does not come with a pricetag
  42. You go into a classy upscale countryclub or a expensive upscale restaurant with fine wine and fine dining but then to go and breastfeed in those places, then you have discraced yourself to the upscale community. Public breastfeeding in a upscale restaurant would mean you have thrown your upscale class status out the window, noone respects a women who public breastfeeds in a upscale enviroment. You bring public breastfeeding in a upscale countryclub or a upscale restaurant, it would reflect on all upscale countryclub customers as looking trashy too, plus it would give the upscale enviroment a bad reputation and a bad lowclass image. When your inside a upscale countryclub, nothing cannot go outside that realm of mainstream highclass standards, everything must be the same and not tacky. Public breastfeeding looks very tacky among the upscale community and is not allowed in there society. public breastfeeding does become a public nuisance and is offensive or disrturbing
  43. Sean,

    I was curious as to your approximate age and what part of the world you are writing from? (Be as specific with your location as you are comfortable with.) Also, are you a member of the LDS church? Finally, how did you find this blog?

  44. Mary…you Qouted “He can’t cite any studies because there aren’t any. They are a product of his fertile imagination (whoops, did I say “fertile”? Surely that is more sexual in nature than breastfeeding!). Actually, with his vitriolic diatribe against breastfeeding mothers it is quite apparent he suffers from unresolved issues in relation to his mother. Anyone who spends so much effort and time berating mothers, especially nursing mothers illustrates a lack of love and bonding in his/her own life.

    Besides that there is no “University of Yale” only Yale University. And the plural of “Study” is “Studies” not “Studys”.

    I could go on and on, but you get the point.” Mary…i never said i had anything against breastfeeding mothers now did i?. I see a communication gap here Mary, see you seem to have it in your head that just because i dont condone public indecent exposure such as public breastfeeding that i would automatically include breastfeeding in general in any private location. You wrong Mary, that sounds very sexist of you, i dont mind breastfeeding mothers no differently than i mind a couple having sex or a male urinating-defacting just as long as its a private exclusive matter to show some respect of others. This whole issue isnt about just breastfeeding Mary, this whole issue is about sexual indecent exposure. When you bring a baby out in public to have him or her feed off your sexual private parts where everyone can see, then it no longer becomes a private matter between the mother and child. It becomes shared with the rest of the public which makes it an irresponsible behaviour, because then breastfeeding mothers can say “oh if you dont like the sight of breast, then dont look, its none of your business”. Well see Mary…when you bring sexual bodily functions out in the opening where everyone can see, then obviously people will look and stare, and its pretty much making it everyones business since its pushed in my face. To bring breastfeeding in public places is a very sexually perverted action that a mother should take into account and not have the rest of the public share her irresponsibilitys. She is nothing more but to blame for herself since she refuses to take responsibilitys for her own actions to take it somewhere private between her and her child. The reason why public breastfeeding is a lowclass sexual act is because a human being such as a baby is eating off of sexual private parts which is very pornographical of what you would expect to see in either a wh*re house or a strip club. This kind of lewd conduct action is very R rated when done in public where there maybe innocent children around to see this dirty sexual act so they can get dirty minds of being aroused by this. When you choose to act like a wh*re and a sl*t, we as restuarant-store customers are not to be held accountable for your irresponsible actions of us being accused as perverts. Mary…to say that i dont like breastfeeding mothers just because i dont like public indecent exposure is showing me that your justifying sexism on the issue because public breastfeeding is mainly based on a female genger. What if i were a women Mary and i have the same veiws as i do now…are you gonna say that “oh you dont like breastfeeding mother” or would you call me a hyprocrit?. The issue like i already said Mary isnt about breastfeeding, its about indecent exposure which you as many feminist have turned into a sexist issue thing.

  45. Mary…Urinating-defacating is also a natural bodily function thing just like breastfeeding which applys both to male and females ok. I wouldnt recommend urinating-defacating in public, so does this mean i dont like men and women both because i dont like public indecent exposure such as urinating in public??after all it applys to male and females. Having sex is a natural bodily function also Mary which i wouldnt recommend allowing to be a social norm. Does that make mean also that i dont like males and females who have sex in public??or should you take into account that i dont like sexual indecent behaviour in public??. What if men had the gift Mary to breastfeed like women do and as much as i dont like public breastfeeding would that make me sexist on both genders or just one which is the female gender??. Like i said again Mary you need to take into account that i dont like public indecent exposure to be a norm for our society
  46. mtnnomad said: Sean,

    “I was curious as to your approximate age and what part of the world you are writing from? (Be as specific with your location as you are comfortable with.) Also, are you a member of the LDS church? Finally, how did you find this blog?” Mtnnomad…i am from Fairfield California, i’m 19 years of age and how i found this blod is because i was doing a little searching on this issue. I’m a ultra right wing conservative and i like to debate on this issue on public breastfeeding. I am a Catholic with conservative veiws, i would do anything to see public breastfeeding be illegal in all 50 states if we can get enough conservative republicans in the political realm like electing more conservative senators, electing a good strong Republican in the Whitehouse like either Newt Gingrich or Ambassodor Allan Keys who is ultra right wing conservative. There is about roughly 200.000 petitions that has been signed in the Republican convention to bann public breastfeeding just about anywhere in all 50 states. This whole public breastfeeding issue isnt about the hungry screaming child, this has become a sexism feminist issue thing which society 40 years ago has abandoned common sense like decency and manners to let womens rights thing erode our moral values. For 37 years ago, women had rights to destroy this country like having rights to murder the unborn child, having rights to public indecent exposure such as public breastfeeding, and divorces. The ideal traditional women is what we dont have a problem with, its the feminist womens rights movement that we dont agree with that has destroyed the power and respect for all women when there was a time that women wore highheels and a dress. Feminism is a great evil in our society that the Catholic church really opposes. When you go back to the era’s of the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, women were alot more respected and had more power than they do now. The ideal traditional breastfeeding mother was married and stayed at home to breastfeed her baby as a sign of respect and honor for all women. Breastfeeding in public was never really an issue in those days considering that women back then had dignity, shame, pride and respect for themselves as women. Back in the 1930s, society was alot more civilized than it is now

  47. Sean – Your writtings make about as much sense as cleaning a toilet with your tongue would make the toilet bowl sanitary.

    Perhaps your mother did not breast feed you, she let you lick a toliet bowl instead. Your mind and thoughts are in the toilet bowl and you need to flush.

  48. “how i found this [blog] is because i was doing a little searching on this issue”

    What he means is he was looking for places discussing public breastfeeding where he could spout his views. In other words, trolling. This is not the only place he has repeated the same thing, but it is the only place where people have responded, so he keeps coming back to repeat himself and cause the page to scroll and scroll and scroll and…

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