I cam across an article in Babytalk magazine?¢‚Ǩ‚Äùyes, the same one that has much of the United States in an uproar, or so the media would have us believe?¢‚Ǩ‚Äùand i found a couple of items interesting. I thought I’d post them here.
A [USA] survey . . . published in The Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that 57 percent of those polled said that women should not have a right to breastfeed in public.
Only 10 percent of mothers who work full-time [still breastfeed] their baby at 6 months, according to a 2005 CDC report.
The Journal of the American Dietetic Association’s survey found that only 47 percent of [employers] favored longer maternity leaves, and only 43 percent supported giving women a private room to pump in at work.
A mom should breastfeed her baby for at least the first year of life, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.. . . In 2004 . . . about 70 percent of U.S. mothers reported that they had tried breastfeeding, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s up from 55 percent in 1993. . . . At 6 months, only 36 percent were still nursing. At 12 months, the number dips to 17 percent
Oh, and thanks to fMh for posting the link.
Do you comment anywhere else? If so, where?
Is public breastfeeding your central issue or one of many issues that you are a soldier for?
Do you comment anywhere else? If so, where?
Is public breastfeeding your central issue or one of many issues that you are a soldier for?” well i can say this is that i’m not a one trick pony that sticks to one issue to debate on. I debate on other topics too like the war in Iraq, abortions, birth control, immagration control so on and so fourth. I do comment in other blogs about this issue on public breastfeeding, not just this one. I’m with the coalition of traditional values which is a highly conservative organization with lots of Catholics and evangelicals
Perhaps your mother did not breast feed you, she let you lick a toliet bowl instead. Your mind and thoughts are in the toilet bowl and you need to flush.” George…you can sit here an knock peoples intellect all you want to ok…i never said i was smart, i never tried and acted like an intellectual, nore am i stupid either. George…your the one who is resorting to your liberal ad-hominem attacks ok!!!, because someone doesnt agree with you that you have to resort to insults. I just wanna say something George ok…i may not be in Harvard or Yale as of now, but i sure in the hell make alot more sense than some of these liberal pin headed anti-war geeks and prochoicers who are in Yale or harvard ok!!!. George…before you resort to your silly little immature ad-hominem attack insults because you have ran out of some arguements to refute mine, then maybe you need to take time and rethink of how stupid YOU have sounded by not using critcle thinking on this whole public breastfeeding issue. Again George and i dont wanna repeat myself again because obviously this doesnt seem to sink into your liberal pinheaded brain, the whole issue isnt about a screaming hungry child ok. This whole issue is about feminism, sexism of how they demand there precious rights to be public indecent exposed as a push-it-in-your-face attitude. Its time that we as a society needs to wakeup and stop letting this whole womens rights POLITICAL CORRECTNESS nonesense erode common sense of not making sexual public indecent exposure a social norm for our society. The womens rights movement is a big evil destroyer in our society that the Catholic church including God is against it ok. Feminism has eroded the traditional values for all women to less empower them by bringing there levels down to the same as men. The culture of feminism is the devils work, i dont like feminism, i think feminism has wained out and lessened all respects for women
I honestly can’t imagine a better representiative than Sean for any ultra-right wing party.
I can only hope that with many more representatives such as Sean, these parties can be seen in the light which they so richly deserve.
“your the one who is resorting to your liberal ad-hominem attacks ok!!!, because someone doesnt agree with you that you have to resort to insults.”
You’re kidding right, Sean? Reread your comments on this thread to see examples of ad hominem attacks.
Sean said: “George…your the one who is resorting to your liberal ad-hominem attacks ok!!!,”
Let’s get one thing straight and that is I am a right wing Liberatian with very specfic liberal views.
Sean – Wow you a Catholic!!!!! Your views do not fit into the Catholic religion at all.
Most public mddle/high schools have after school classes for students that need help learning how to read, write and think for themselves. You should join the one at your school unless of course you attend a private school and then your lack of knowledge and social graces becomes understandable.
Umm George…i came in here to debate, not for an insult word exchange match ok. Your the one who cant seem to read and write, you type like you belong in the special education with your poor vocabulary skills. You wanna make this a personal attack on how people cant read and write??sure we can go there George if you want, but you have already proven to me that your a retard anyways who cant even refute any arugements of mine anyways. I have Nephews George who have 10 times more intellects than you ever wish to imagine having in your whole entire life. Your a half wit George, the things you say are about a cut above a retard, i might as well be arguing with someone who is in the second grage, at least they have more critcle thinking than you do. I came in here to debate on public breastfeeding , but obviously you dont like it George that my oppinions differ than yours so you wanna make this a reading writing personal insult of who has better writing skills Eh??. George…well i can only say maybe a couple things but no offence, after trying to refute your arguements for the last 2 days, i cant tell you have poor education skills. Makes me wonder George if you havent been droped on your head as a child when you were first born or was deprived oxygen as an infant. Public breastfeeding in my oppinion is lowclass, trashy behaviour so get over it George and learn to accept the truth on both ends. To sit here and tell me your married to a Lawyer!!! George…i highly doubt that any lawyer would wanna have anything to do with a lowlife blog junkie loser like you even a blue collor factory worker at that
“i came in here to debate”
Sean, if you truly came here to debate, you would have avoided all the continuous ad hominem attacks, avoided repeating yourself in every comment, avoided bringing up false studies without citation and actually addressed points people raised.
Sean – Your writing skills remind me of young men (under 25) who apply for work and have the communication skills of an idiot.
You need to go back to school and learn instead of sleeping off all the drugs you must take.
Can you be a skin head as well as a Catholic? Your writings sound like you are a skin head.
You claim you want to debate yet you have nothing worth debating. Come back after you have finished school and have something intelligent to write.
Hey Sean and George,
Do you think you two can take the sandbox fight somewhere else? It’s bad enough this post has been diluted and torn apart with vitriol. We don’t need it hijacked with a peeing contest.
Sean – Do a search for George and then write any kind of tirade you think has any merit to it on that thread.
I would like an answer to the question “Are you a Skin Head?”
Also – Are you a member of the Quiver of Arrows group?
think of how civilized our society would be if BLACKS VOTING were illegal in all 50 states. I’m with the Republican convention and signed petitions to have BLACK VOTING banned
Wow what a big change a couple of word replacements have, no?
It’s almost like we never left the fifties…
We’ve left them, Rick. It’s Sean who’s stuck in a time warp. Well, stuck in something anyway.
Bill said: I believe women should be allowed the privillege of breast feeding thier children whenever the child is hungry or needs nursing. It is a natural part of being a baby and there is nothing wrong or sexual about a woman breast feeding.
Anyone who dares to disagree with me on this topic is a prude.
If you are a PRUDE, then show me the passage of scripture where this is bad.”
umm Bill a womens body is beautiful. we should have the right to go topless in public just as a man has. However there are signs posted in restaurants that say “no shoes, no shirts, no service”, an airline or any restaurant has the right to refuse services to anyone who isnt covered up, including breastfeeding mothers. The same thing also applys when you come into someones house, you have to show some respect and manners as well as entering a public restaurant or a airplane. When you come into someones house as a guest and not wearing a shirt or just plain breastfeeding openly where everyone can be subjected to it, the owner of the house has every right to refuse services to them as guest when they are doing something inappropriatly. Thats how it is when you come into someones house Bill “my house, my rules”, should we sue a owner of the home to refusing a party guest for breastfeeding her child openly at a party??. I dont think so, people are happily flanting there breast and ignoring decency and common curtiousy for one a nothers compforts
Sean said: “we should have the right to go topless in public just as a man has.”
Are you a woman Sean?
Anyone who dares to disagree with me on this topic is a prude.
If you are a PRUDE, then show me the passage of scripture where this is bad.
Bill urinating-defacating is also a natural thing too just like breastfeeding. But i wouldnt recommend it in public, so does that make me a prude??, does not condoning sex in public make me a prude even though its a natural sexual act as breastfeeding your child in public??. Bill…a mother who breastfeeds needs to set good examples for herself by taking it somewhere privatly like either a bathroom or a car to set a good example for the child too as well so he will be happy. When people at a restaurant are trying to eat Bill, we as the customers are always right and do not want to see some OVER SIZED HUMAN SUCTION CUP cup latched onto some womens sexual private parts like as if we are watching a R rated film because that **** is gross and unsanitary. Public breastfeeding is part of a liberal free society bill, and a free liberal society is teaching people to be rude and impolite which it doesnt seem to occur to you because all your thinking about is your precious rights for women over common curtiousy and respect for me and for others. Indecent exposure is the issue here that nursing mothers readily flaunt and ignore, not so much about breastfeeding. They think that just because they have babies latched onto there sexual private parts that it makes them the center of the world an order to give herself and that child a title of embarrasment and discrace
Sean, you’re one sick puppy, and a nasty, compulsive liar as well.
You’ve been spewing your supposed “Catholic, ultra right wing conservative†views over every forum you can get onto across the Internet. You have insulted most of the women you’ve come in contact with, you’ve claimed to be people you aren’t and in general caused havoc with your disgusting comments, which usually end up with you spewing comparisons between breastfeeding and masturbation.
Some forum moderators have had to censure you or shut down the topic because of your infantile ranting and raving. This doesn’t seem to stop you, because you’re a sick individual who will always find still another forum where you can continue to spew your anti-female insults.
Some of us question things that we read on the ‘Net, and you’ve recently been put “under the magnifying glass†so to speak. Over on Buzznet, you’ve been using the very appropriate name of “Batonclub†on their QOTD forums (quite fitting your personality, considering your feelings about women), and you’ve managed to disgust a number of people there.
The “Republican petitions” that you describe are a hoax, as others who bothered to check into it have found out. You are a profane and disgusting embarrassment to just about every self-respecting male on the ‘Net
My brain is unable to believe what my eyes are seeing. Mary, you have every right to breastfeed your infant. Connor, your problem is what it is, and nothing more. YOU have sexualized women. YOU have a problem, not any woman who decides to breastfeed. If you have diminished woman to the state of a sexual toy, fit for procreation and nothing more, that is YOUR problem. Fortunately, most of the world has moved past that rather Neanderthal ideological framework.
Regardless of what anybody believes, man wrote the Bible (as he has written every extant ideological text known to humanity). It was man who decreed that man was superior to woman. It is presumptuous in the extreme for Man to claim to know what God does or does not intend. This is not an ideological argument, it is one of practicality. Infants need nourishment. Women’s mammaries were designed to provide nourishment. It’s that easy.
Somebody used a second-hand smoke argument. That is an erroneous argument — a straw man fallacy. If you smoke in my space, your carcinogens are invading my lungs. I do not have a choice of whether or not to breathe and, quite frankly, you do not have the right to poison me. When a woman is breastfeeding her infant, you do not have to look. In fact, if the mere sight of a naked breast makes you feel aroused to the extent that you begin to feel aroused, perhaps you need to consider what that says about you.
J.W., Ph.D.
J.W. MacTaggart
Thank you very much for your thoughts! Very concise and true.
I don’t think it’s entirely fair to say to a man who experiences a sexual feeling when he sees a woman’s breasts that it’s all his fault, and that he should be ashamed for “sexualizing” women. Men are hard-wired to have sexual reactions to women’s bodies. We’re supposed to. We have an indefeasible instinct to react that way. Being subject to human nature doesn’t make men bad. Although I personally approve of public breastfeeding, I don’t think it’s right to cast such aspersions on men who may be made uncomfortable by having sexual feelings provoked in ways they can’t help.
Breast feeding in public is as innocent as any other form of public nudity (even more so, as it serves a necessity), the perverted is in the mind of the beholder.