I think it is obvious that homosexuality is not going away. I think it is equally obvious that homosexuals will not stop having sex; men having sex with men and women having sex with women. At the same time, I do not see any benefit to society coming from men and women having illicit sex with those of the same gender. In fact, I believe that illicit sex among homosexuals can only harm our society. Likewise, I believe that illicit sex among heterosexuals can only harm society.
Given those presumptions, I wonder if society can benefit at all from gay marriage.
For example, is it reasonable to assume that an increase in same-gender marriages can result in a decrease in sexually-transmitted disease among the homosexual population?
Is it reasonable to assume that an increase in same-gender marriages can result in a decrease of broken homes (via gay spouses leaving the heterosexual spouses they married despite knowing they were homosexual because they thought marriage would cure them or because they wanted children)?
Is it reasonable to assume that an increase in same-gender marriages can result in a decrease in illicit sex, thus improving the moral fibre of our society?
Certainly there must be other such positions one could make where same-gender marriages might improve our current society. Are they all reasonable? Are any reasonable? Is society better off if homosexuals are denied same-gender marriage?
There is one group of people that gay marriages would benefit. Divorce attorneys would have more work.
I don’t think that’s a reasonable assumption. Those who are inclined to monogamy and faithfulness already behave that way. Making marriage available to them won’t change the habits of those not inclined to monogamy.
Children are better off raised in a heterosexual household where they have proper role models. Since children are the future of society then yes, society is better off if homosexuals are denied same-gender marriage. From another angle, society has been increasingly permissive and open to “non-traditional” homes since the 60s. Yet society seems to be coming apart, not growing into anything better.
Just to be clear, by proper role models I wasn’t implying that homosexuals are improper or immoral role models. I meant that children imprint on their parents for their own gender identity and for what they expect from their spouses. A child raised in a single-sex household is a child denied the divine unity of male and female. They are stunted and handicapped by this lack. I believe they can be truly harmed by it. No girl should grow up in a home without a mother to help her understand the changes of puberty. It’s a tragedy and a difficulty for single fathers to deal with. The same goes for boys raised by two moms with no dad. No one has any business making such a household by design.
So would ministers and justices of the peace.
So, how would you classify childless homosexual and heterosexual marriages? Are they irrelevant in these situations?
Should single parenthood be outlawed?
Insurance and Health Care companies benefits when employers are able to extend health coverage to their employees’ “partners”.
Also polygamous groups benefit from the gay rights agenda that there should be no restriction on the definition of marriage.
This may be true, but you’d be amazed at the added effort put into a relationship when there are legal ramifications, hetero or not.
One aspect not often touched on when dealing with same-sex marriage issues is that the availability of marriage as an options serves to delineate two very distinct groups. There are some people who feel more comfortable in a monogamous relationship and there are other who are more promiscuous, just as there are in the hetero community.
If people were to see just how many gay and lesbian couples are not the promiscuous stereotype of the homosexual, it would aid in their understanding of homosexual culture.
I understand the ‘imprinting’ argument given above, but given the fact that male, gay couples would be adopting, and lesbian couples would need to use in vitro – it’s pretty clear that there would be screening processes in place to make sure that kids only went to decent homes and parents.
Parents who had made a decision to go through the arduous processes required to become parents in a same-sex relationship. In other words people dedicated to being parents.
If all of the hetero couple who can have kids, with none of the paperwork involved, were equally as dedicated the world would most decidedly be better off.
Given, no type of same-sex marriage fits in with the LDS plan of salvation, but does the church have to be so quick to completely disregard the 11th Article of Faith?
For background, I have no beef with SSM. To each their own. But am I the only person who questions whether homosexual/lesbian “sex” is sex? I mean, we don’t refer to masturbation as autosexuality. Some we say same sex gratification rather than sex?
I don’t know, Steve.
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman…”
What exactly constitutes sex these days anyway?
I remember watching a show about how hookers at descended on Utah and this hooker was talking and she said they (hookers) perform more oral sex in Utah than anywhere else. She said the reason for this was because the Church considered oral sex a form of heavy petty and the johns would not get exed if they were caught.
I am sure this hooker had done a tonne of data analysis on which to base her statement.
I’m encouraged by your uplifting viewing choices, Bill.
The nightly news is just full of uplfting stories and then I found this site.
I’m all in favor of gay marriage. I know my wife and i have a lot of fun and enjoyment in ours.
Now this same sex thing, is that some kind of antithesis of gay marriage as if sex is the same all the time, wouldn’t that get kind of old?
It’s too bad very few people use the happy definition for gay anymore. Sigh.
What’s really too bad about that is that “happy” isn’t really a very complete synonym for “gay.” Gaiety is something different—something headier, lighter, more frivolous and more vivid. Like a Strauss waltz.