Doing the Opposite

In reading Dallin H. Oaks talk from Nov 99 GC he states:

Teachers who are commanded to teach “the principles of [the] gospel” and “the doctrine of the kingdom” (D&C 88:77) should generally forgo teaching specific rules or applications. For example, they would not teach any rules for determining what is a full tithing, and they would not provide a list of dos and don’ts for keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Once a teacher has taught the doctrine and the associated principles from the scriptures and the living prophets, such specific applications or rules are generally the responsibility of individuals and families.

Why is it that if this is the correct way to teach you still get the same lesson in SS that discusses the very thing that he states to NOT do.. like what is considered a full tithe, or what is considered keeping the Sabbath Day holy etc etc.

4 thoughts on “Doing the Opposite

  1. I can’t say, because that isn’t my experience. The lessons I attend on these topics generally include comments to the same effect as those given by Elder Oaks.

  2. Perhaps it is because we do not employ people to teach our classes like other churches? That the teachers could really care less? That they just honestly have never been told that they aren’t supposed to do that? Who knows, BUT if that happens I would feel free to bring tha up in the discussion that ensues!


  3. Two reasons why this happen.

    1. Most teachers (myself included) have never seen that particular quote from Elder Oaks. If it was really important, I’m sure more people would emphasize it.

    2. Most students (myself included) are pretty dumb and we need real life examples to understand the principle being taught. This can then generate the brain cycle and discussion to help us find opportunities to apply the principle in our homes.

    A good example are the do’s and dont’s of what to do on Sabbath, and how to calculate that 10%.

  4. Roland, your point #1 seems to say that the way to measure whether the words of an apostle are important is how many people are talking about them. Is that what you mean? I reminds me of what people would say to me on my mission sometimes: “If God had called a new Prophet, I would have heard about it by now.” My answer was, “You are hearing about. Here we are, God’s messengers, to deliver the message.”

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