The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines a miracle as “an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.”
But natural laws according to whom? Does God have laws to which He adheres that we do not know? Would these be considered laws of nature?
If we infiltrated a primitive tribe and showed them a flashlight, would that be inexplicable using their understanding of nature? Would it be considered a miracle?
Did Jesus consider what He did miracles?
“If we infiltrated a primitive tribe and showed them a flashlight, would that be inexplicable using their understanding of nature? Would it be considered a miracle?”
I think it would be a miracle. I remember reading a quote by Brigham Young about miracles (paraphrasing f course) in which he stated that a miracle is an event that occurs by natural laws that we are not aware of.
That makes sense to me. Everything has to happen by natural consequences. Those events that occur beyond our understanding our labeled ‘miracles’ so, I think the flashlight for the primatives would be very much a miracle.